Installing TimeChart


Python and Python Libraries

  • Python 2.7 (2.7.9+ recommended), or 3.5+ (3.6+ recommended)

  • PyDM >= 1.6.0

  • numpy >= 1.11.0

  • qtpy

  • pyqtgraph >= 0.10.0

  • six


To check the Python version:

python --version

Note that if you have both Python 2 and Python 3 on your computer, and you want to check for the Python 3 version:

python3 --version

If your computer does not have Python, or your Python version does not meet the requirement, you must install or update Python.

Operating Systems

  • Linux (tested on RHEL 6.10+, CentOS 7.5+)

  • macOS (tested on High Sierra (10.13)+)

Obtaining the TimeChart Source Code

Unless you are going to install TimeChart with conda (see Using conda), the rest of the installation options require you to either download or clone the TimeChart source code from GitHub.

Downloading the Stable Release Source Code

You can download the source code of one of TimeChart’s stable releases from the GitHub TimeChart Release page. Make sure you unzip or untar the downloaded file into a separate directory.

In all the examples below, it is assumed that that directory’s name is timechart.

Cloning the Source Code


If you opt to clone the TimeChart source code from GitHub, you will also need to install git for the platform on which you are about to run TimeChart. Follow these Git Installation Instructions to install git.

  1. Clone the TimeChart repo:

    git clone
  2. If you want to build TimeChart with the latest code, you can stop here. Otherwise, to build TimeChart with source code from a stable release, you will need to check out a release tag:

    git checkout <tag>

For example, if you want to build TimeChart with the stable release v1.2.2, use this command:

git checkout v1.2.2

Now, you can proceed to installing TimeChart.


Using setuptools

  1. First, you must perform the steps in Obtaining the TimeChart Source Code

  2. Then, run with the install option:

    cd timechart
    python install


If you have both Python 2 and Python 3 installed on your computer, and you want to run TimeChart with Python 3, use the command python3 install instead.

Using conda

You do not have to obtain the TimeChart source code with this installation option.

  1. You must first install Miniconda. Pick the Miniconda for Python 3.6+.

  2. Then, use the conda command to install TimeChart:

    conda install timechart -c tidair-dev -c pydm-tag
    conda install timechart -c tidair-tag -c pydm-tag
  • tidair-dev has the latest development code

  • tidair-tag has the latest stable released version (tag).

Using pip


Your computer may not have pip pre-installed. If that is the case, refer to the pip Installation Instructions before proceeding.

Some of TimeChart’s requirements, such as numpy, could run into conflict with an existing application’s in your computer. You will have to resolve those conflicts while using pip. If there are conflicts, the alternative could be that you run TimeChart in the Miniconda environment (see Using conda), or create a virtual environment (virtualenv) to install TimeChart in it.

  1. First, you must perform the steps in Obtaining the TimeChart Source Code

  2. Then, run pip install:

    cd timechart
    pip install .


If you have both Python 2 and Python 3 installed on your computer, and you want to run TimeChart with Python 2, use pip install .. If you want to run TimeChart with Python 3 instead, run the pip3 install . command.

In Development Environment

For developers, you can install TimeChart in development mode using setuptools.

  1. First, you must perform the steps in Obtaining the TimeChart Source Code

  2. Then, run with the develop option:

    cd timechart
    python develop


If you have both Python 2 and Python 3 installed on your computer, and you want to run TimeChart with Python 3, use the command python3 develop instead.

If you want to build an Anaconda package for TimeChart:

  1. First, you must perform the steps in Obtaining the TimeChart Source Code

  2. Next, install Miniconda. Pick the Miniconda build for Python 3.6+.

  3. Finally, issue the following commands:

    cd timechart
    conda install conda-build anaconda-client
    conda update -q conda conda-build
    conda build -q conda-recipe --python=3.6 --output-folder bld-dir -c conda-forge -c pydm-tag -c conda-forge

Note that you must change the value of the parameter python=... to the Python version you are using.


You can uninstall TimeChart by using this command:

pip uninstall timechart


If you have both Python 2 and Python 3 installed on your computer, and you want to run TimeChart with Python 2, use pip uninstall timechart. If you want to run TimeChart with Python 3 instead, run the pip3 uninstall timechart command.