
Examples of using a Filter are described in Using A Filter.

Filter objects in C++ are referenced by the following shared pointer typedef:

typedef std::shared_ptr<rogue::interfaces::stream::Filter> rogue::interfaces::stream::FilterPtr

Alias for using shared pointer as FilterPtr.

The class description is shown below:

class Filter : public rogue::interfaces::stream::Master, public rogue::interfaces::stream::Slave

Stream Filter.

In some cases a Frame will have a non zero channel number. This can be the case when reading data from a Data file using a StreamWReader object. This can also occur when receiving data from a Batcher protocol Frame Splitter. The Filter allows a Slave to be sure it only receives Frame data for a particular channel. The Filter object has a configured channel number and a flag to determine if Frame objects with a non-zero error field will be dropped.

Public Static Functions

static std::shared_ptr<rogue::interfaces::stream::Filter> create(bool dropErrors, uint8_t channel)

Create a Filter object and return as a FilterPtr.

  • dropErrors – Set to True to drop errored Frames

  • channel – Set channel number to allow through the filter.


Filter object as a FilterPtr