Connecting Streams

The stream interface is made up of a master which is the source of frame data and a slave which is a receiver of frame data. Each master can be connected to one or more slaves, with the first slave connected being the primary slave. The concept of a primary slave is important because in most cases it is the slave from which the master will request new frames. The primary slave is also the last slave to receive data from the master. This is an important distinction when interfacing to a slave which will empty the frame when processing the data, such as a DMA driver in zero copy mode.

A stream master and slave are connected using the following command in python:

import pyrogue

myMaster >> mySlave

# A helper function can also be used

A similiar line of code is used to connect a master and slave in c++:

*myMaster >> mySlave

// A helper function can also be used

The above command examples attaches the primary slave to the master.

Additional receivers can be added to a master. This allows more than one Slave to receive data from a Master. Each additional slave will be passed the frame in turn before it is passed to the primary slave:

import pyrogue

# Connections can go in the opposite direction
mySlave << myMaster

And in C++:

*myMaster >> mySlave;

In some cases rogue entities can serve as both a stream Master and Slave. This is often the case when using a network protocol such as UDP or TCP. Two dual purpose endpoints can be connected together to create a bi-directional data stream using the following command in python:

import pyrogue

endPointA == endPointB

# Or using a helper function
pyrogue.streamConnectBiDir(endPointA, endPointB)

This command adds endPointB as a Slave for endPointA at the same time adding endPointA as a slave for endPointB. A similar command is available in C++:

*endPointA == endPointB;

// Or using a helper function
rogueStreamConnectBiDir(endPointA, endPointB)