Receiving Frames

Frames are received by a subclass of the Slave class in rogue. This subclass can be created either in python or in c++. In either case a received frame results in the execution of the the acceptFrame method in the subclass instance. Python and C++ subclasses of the Slave class can be used interchangeably, allowing c++ subclasses to receive frames from python masters and python subclasses to receive frames from c++ masters.

Python Slave Subclass

Implementing a Slave subclass in python is easy, but may result in a lower level of performance.


class MyCustomSlave(

    # Init method must call the parent class init
    def __init__(self):

    # Method which is called when a frame is received
    def _acceptFrame(self,frame):

        # First it is good practice to hold a lock on the frame data.
        with frame.lock():

            # Next we can get the size of the frame payload
            size = frame.getPayload()

            # To access the data we need to create a byte array to hold the data
            fullData = bytearray(size)

            # Next we read the frame data into the byte array, from offset 0

            # Alternatively we can copy a portion of the data from an arbitrary offset
            partialData = bytearray(10)

            # Read 10 bytes starting at offset 5

        # Since the data is coped into the passed byte arrays we are free to
        # access the copied data outside of the lock
        print("First byte is {:#}".format(fullData[0]))
        print("Byte 6 is {:#}".format(partialData[1]))

C++ Slave Subclass

Creating a Slave sub-class in c++ is done in a similar fashion. In order to use a custom c++ Slave subclass, you will need to build it into a c++ python module or into a c++ application. See the sections Creating Custom Modules and Compiling A Rogue Application.

The example below shows the most direct method for receiving data from a Frame using an iterator. Here we both de-reference the iterator directly to update specific locations and we use std::copy to move data from the Frame to a data buffer.

#include <rogue/interfaces/stream/Slave.h>
#include <rogue/interfaces/stream/Frame.h>
#include <rogue/interfaces/stream/FrameIterator.h>
#include <rogue/interfaces/stream/FrameLock.h>

class MyCustomSlave : public rogue::interfaces::stream::Slave {

      // Create a static class creator to return our custom class
      // wrapped with a shared pointer
      static std::shared_ptr<MyCustomSlave> create() {
         static std::shared_ptr<MyCustomSlave> ret =

      MyCustomSlave() : rogue::interfaces::stream::Slave() { }

      void acceptFrame ( std::shared_ptr<rogue::interfaces::stream::Frame> frame ) {
         rogue::interfaces::stream::FrameIterator it;
         uint32_t x;

         // Acquire lock on frame. Will be release when lock class goes out of scope
         rogue::interfaces::stream::FrameLock lock = frame->lock();

         // Here we get an iterator to the frame data
         it = frame->begin();

         // Print the values in the first 10 locations
         for (x=0; x < 10; x++) {
            printf("Location %i = 0x%x\n", *it);

         // Use std::copy to copy data to a data buffer
         // Here we copy the entire frame payload to the data buffer
         std::copy(frame->begin(), frame->end(), data);

// Shared pointer alias
typedef std::shared_ptr<MyCustomSlave> MyCustomSlavePtr;

The std::copy call works very well for moving data between two standard C++ iterators. It will properly deal with iterators which manage non-contiguous buffers, which may be the case when receiving Frames. For example when receiving large data frames from a UDP interface, the incoming data may exist within a number of 1500 byte Buffers which may exist at random locations in memory.

This however comes at a performance penalty as the iterator is updated on each access to the underlying Frame data. In order to move data in the most effecient way, it is best to use std::memcpy with the data pointer interface provided by the Buffer class. The Rogue Frame Iterator provides mechanisms for iterating through each contiguous buffer. The following example performs a data copy from a passed data buffer into the Rogue frame, ensuring that the most efficient copy methods are used:

// Get an iterator to the start of the Frame
it = frame->begin();

// Keep going until we get to the end of the Frame
while ( it != frame->end() ) {

   // Copy the data using the iterator ptr method
   std::memcpy(it->ptr(), data, size);

   // Update the pointer and the iterator
   data += size;
   it += size;

Alternatively if the user wishes to access individual values in the data frame at various offsets, they can make use of the fromFrame helper function defined in Frame Helpers.

uint64_t data64;
uint32_t data32;
uint8_t  data8;

it = frame->begin();

// Read 64-bits and advance iterator 8 bytes
fromFrame(it, 8, &data64);

// Read 32-bits and advance iterator 4 bytes
fromFrame(it, 4, &data32);

// Read 8-bits and advance iterator 1 byte
fromFrame(it, 1, &data8);

In some cases the user will need high performance element level access to the frame data. The Frame Accessor provides a memory pointer mapped view of the frame data. There is a limitation in the use of a FrameAccessor in that it can only map frame data that is represented by a single buffer. If the range to be accessed spans multiple buffers, attempting to use a FrameAccessor will throw an exception. Luckily there is a helper in the Master class class which will verify that a given frame is representated by a single buffer. If this is not the case it create a copy of the Frame into a new Frame which is made up of a single buffer.

The user must be carefull to not “flatten” a frame that is purposely segmented into multiple buffers (i.e. createa a frame for sending over a UDP interface). The Frame Accessor in combination with the ensureSingleBuffer() call on received frames.

// First lets make sure the frame is made up of a single buffer
// Set the request enable flag to true, allowing a new frame to
// be created. (be carefull with this call, see note above)
// This call assumes a master class exists as part of the receiver.

// Get the iterator
it = frame->begin();

// Create accessor at current iterator position
// We want to access 100 64-bit values
rogue::interfaces::stream::FrameAccessor<uint64_t> acc = rogue::interfaces::stream::FrameAccessor<uint64_t>(it,100);

// We can now access the values as an array:
acc[0] = value1;
acc[1] = value2;

Further study of the Frame and Buffer APIs will reveal more advanced methods of access frame and buffer data.