Using A Rate Drop Object

A RateDrop object provides a mechanism for rate limiting stream frames for receivers which can not keep up with data at the expected full rate. The RateDrop class allows the user to drop limit the frame rate either by dropping every n frames, or by specifying a minimum time period between frames.

RateDrop Example

The following python example shows how to limit the data rate in an incoming stream to 10hz.

import pyrogue

# Data source
src = MyCustomMaster()

# Data destination
dst = MyCustomSlave()

# Create a rate drop module, with the period flag set to true and the
# period value set to 0.01 seconds
rate =,0.01)

# Connect the rate drop object to the source and on to the destination
src >> rate >> dst

Below is the equivalent code in C++

#include <rogue/interfaces/stream/RateDrop.h>
#include <MyCustomMaster.h>
#include <MyCustomSlave.h>

// Data source
MyCustomMasterPtr src = MyCustomMaster::create()

// Data destination
MyCustomSlavePtr dst = MyCustomSlave::create();

// Create a rate drop module, with the period flag set to true and the
// period value set to 0.01 seconds
rogue::interfaces::stream::RateDropPtr rate = rogue::interfaces::stream::RateDrop::create(True, 0.01);

// Connect the rate drop object to the source and on to the dst
*(*src >> fifo) >> dst;