How to ruckus’s Tag Release Script
Ruckus provides a script to help users will tag releasing firmware only or firmware/software combinations. The firmware images can be attached to the tag release such that you do not have to commit the binary files into the git repository. This enables the users to be able to have the same git hash for the both the git tag and the firmware binary images. For more information please refer to the presentation below:
A releases.yaml file is used to define the location of all the firmware/software configurations and files that will be included in the tag release via the ruckus script. Here is where this YAML file is located for this project:
How to create a tag release
Setup Xilinx licensing (refer to Vivado and VCS Setup)
Go to the target directory
$ cd Simple-10GbE-RUDP-KCU105-Example/firmware/targets/Simple10GbeRudpKcu105Example
Optional: build only the release files without doing a tag
$ make release_files
Make the tag release and include the firmware attachments
$ make release