How to run the Software Development GUI with VCS firmware simulator

  • Start up two terminals …

In the first terminal

  1. Follow the instructions here to build and use the vcs docker container.

  2. Once in the container, setup Vivado and VCS (refer to Vivado and VCS Setup)

  3. Go to the target directory and execute the vcs build

    $ cd Simple-10GbE-RUDP-KCU105-Example/firmware/targets/Simple10GbeRudpKcu105Example
    $ make vcs
  4. Go to the VCS build output

    $ cd ../../build/Simple10GbeRudpKcu105Example/Simple10GbeRudpKcu105Example_project.sim/sim_1/behav/
  5. Source the VCS + VHPI environment setup

    $ source
  6. Compile firmware with VCS

    $ ./
  7. Launch the VCS GUI (either DVE or VERDI)

    $ ./simv -verdi &
  8. When the VCS GUI pops up, start the simulation run

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In the Second terminal

  1. Setup rogue software (refer to Rogue Software Setup)

  2. run the Development GUI python script with –ip sim argument

    $ cd Simple-10GbE-RUDP-KCU105-Example/software
    $ python scripts/ --ip sim
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