
The firmware structure for the present example is divided into two main blocks, Application and Core.

The interfaces between the Core and the Application are AXI-Lite and AXI stream buses.

The AXI-Lite bus is used for register access.

(refer to

The AXI stream bus to transfer ASYNC messages to/from the RUDP module

(refer to

Inside the application block includes a AppTx module. This module is an example of how to produce data on the AXI stream bus. This AXI steam bus is connected to the Core and routed to the RUDP module. The RUDP module contains all the Ethernet layers (PHY/MAC/IPv4/UDP/ReliableLayer). For the Reliable Layer, we are using are using Reliable SLAC Streaming Protocol (RSSI) (refer to UdpEngineWrapper module contains the IPv4 and UDP layers. TenGigEth module contains the PHY and MAC layers. A block diagram on this stream path from the Application’s AppTx module to the PHY layer is shown below:

The Application module is designed to be a “template” for developers. They can copy the firmware modules and structure then customize it to their specific applications. Developers can treat the core module has a Board Support Package (BSP).