
The StreamWriter class is the utilitiy for writing Rogue data to a file. The writer class can accept streams from multiple sources, with the StreamWriterChannel serving as the interface to each incoming stream. This class can be sub-classed to support custom formats, by overriding the writeFile method.

The default format is the following:

The data file is a written as a series of banks, each associated with a written Frame. Each bank has a channel and frame flags. The channel is per source and the lower 24 bits of the incoming Frame flags are used as the flags.

The bank is proceeded by 2 - 32-bit headers to indicate bank information and length:

    31:0  = Length of data block in bytes
   31:24  = Channel ID
   23:16  = Frame error
    15:0  = Frame flags

StreamWriter objects in C++ are referenced by the following shared pointer typedef:

typedef std::shared_ptr<rogue::utilities::fileio::StreamWriter> rogue::utilities::fileio::StreamWriterPtr

The class description is shown below:

class StreamWriter : public rogue::EnableSharedFromThis<rogue::utilities::fileio::StreamWriter>

Stream writer central class.

Subclassed by rogue::utilities::fileio::LegacyStreamWriter

Public Functions



virtual ~StreamWriter()


void open(std::string file)

Open a data file.

void close()

Close a data file.

bool isOpen()

Get open status.

void setRaw(bool raw)

Set raw mode.

bool getRaw()

Get raw mode flag.

void setBufferSize(uint32_t size)

Set buffering size, 0 to disable.

void setMaxSize(uint64_t size)

Set max file size, 0 for unlimited.

void setDropErrors(bool drop)

Set drop errors flag.

std::shared_ptr<rogue::utilities::fileio::StreamWriterChannel> getChannel(uint8_t channel)

Get a port.

uint64_t getTotalSize()

Get total file size.

uint64_t getCurrentSize()

Get current file size.

uint32_t getFrameCount()

Get current frame count.

bool waitFrameCount(uint32_t count, uint64_t timeout)

Block until a frame count is reached.

Public Static Functions

static std::shared_ptr<rogue::utilities::fileio::StreamWriter> create()

Class creation.

static void setup_python()

Setup class in python.