
The StreamReader class is the utilitiy for reading data from a Rogue file in a streaming fashion.

StreamReader objects in C++ are referenced by the following shared pointer typedef:

typedef std::shared_ptr<rogue::utilities::fileio::StreamReader> rogue::utilities::fileio::StreamReaderPtr

The class description is shown below:

class StreamReader : public rogue::interfaces::stream::Master

Stream writer central class.

Public Functions





void open(std::string file)

Read from the data file.

void close()

Close and stop thread.

bool isOpen()

Get open status.

void closeWait()

Close when done.

bool isActive()

Return true while reading.

Public Static Functions

static std::shared_ptr<rogue::utilities::fileio::StreamReader> create()

Class creation.

static void setup_python()

Setup class in python.