Source code for pydm.widgets.waveformtable

from qtpy.QtWidgets import QTableWidget, QTableWidgetItem, QApplication
from qtpy.QtGui import QCursor
from qtpy.QtCore import Slot, Property, Qt, QEvent
import numpy as np
from .base import PyDMWritableWidget

[docs]class PyDMWaveformTable(QTableWidget, PyDMWritableWidget): """ A QTableWidget with support for Channels and more from PyDM. Values of the array are displayed in the selected number of columns. The number of rows is determined by the size of the waveform. It is possible to define the labels of each row and column. Parameters ---------- parent : QWidget The parent widget for the Label init_channel : str, optional The channel to be used by the widget. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, init_channel=None): QTableWidget.__init__(self, parent) PyDMWritableWidget.__init__(self, init_channel=init_channel) self._columnHeaders = ["Value"] self._rowHeaders = [] self._itemsFlags = Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEditable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled self.waveform = None self._valueBeingSet = False self.setColumnCount(1) self.cellChanged.connect(self.send_waveform)
[docs] def value_changed(self, new_waveform): """ Callback invoked when the Channel value is changed. Parameters ---------- new_waveform : np.ndarray The new waveform value from the channel. """ PyDMWritableWidget.value_changed(self, new_waveform) self._valueBeingSet = True self.waveform = new_waveform col_count = self.columnCount() len_wave = len(new_waveform) row_count = len_wave // col_count + (1 if len_wave % col_count else 0) self.setRowCount(row_count) for ind, element in enumerate(new_waveform): i, j = ind // col_count, ind % col_count value_cell = QTableWidgetItem(str(element)) value_cell.setFlags(self._itemsFlags) self.setItem(i, j, value_cell) self.setVerticalHeaderLabels(self._rowHeaders) self.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self._columnHeaders) self._valueBeingSet = False
[docs] @Slot(int, int) def send_waveform(self, row, column): """Update Channel value when cell value is changed. Parameters ---------- row : int Row of the changed cell. column : int Column of the changed cell. """ if self._valueBeingSet: return item = self.item(row, column) if item and self.subtype: new_val = self.subtype(item.text()) ind = row * self.columnCount() + column self.waveform[ind] = new_val self.send_value_signal[np.ndarray].emit(self.waveform)
[docs] def check_enable_state(self): """ For PyDMWaveformTable, we want to make the individual cells editable when we have write access. """ PyDMWritableWidget.check_enable_state(self) self.setEnabled(True) if self._write_access and self._connected: self._itemsFlags = Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEditable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled elif self._connected: self._itemsFlags = Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled else: self._itemsFlags = Qt.ItemIsSelectable for col in range(0, self.columnCount()): for row in range(0, self.rowCount()): item = self.item(row, col) if item is not None: item.setFlags(self._itemsFlags)
[docs] def eventFilter(self, obj, event): status = self._connected if event.type() == QEvent.Leave: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor)) elif event.type() == QEvent.Enter and not status: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.ForbiddenCursor)) return False
@Property("QStringList") def columnHeaderLabels(self): """ Return the list of labels for the columns of the Table. Returns ------- list of strings """ return self._columnHeaders @columnHeaderLabels.setter def columnHeaderLabels(self, new_labels): """ Set the list of labels for the columns of the Table. If new_labels is empty the column numbers will be used. Parameters ---------- new_labels : list of strings """ if new_labels: new_labels += (self.columnCount() - len(new_labels)) * [""] self._columnHeaders = new_labels self.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self._columnHeaders) @Property("QStringList") def rowHeaderLabels(self): """ Return the list of labels for the rows of the Table. Returns ------- list of strings """ return self._rowHeaders @rowHeaderLabels.setter def rowHeaderLabels(self, new_labels): """ Set the list of labels for the rows of the Table. If new_labels is empty the row numbers will be used. Parameters ---------- new_labels : list of strings """ if new_labels: new_labels += (self.rowCount() - len(new_labels)) * [""] self._rowHeaders = new_labels self.setVerticalHeaderLabels(self._rowHeaders)