Source code for pydm.widgets.timeplot

import time
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Optional
from pyqtgraph import BarGraphItem, ViewBox, AxisItem
import numpy as np
from qtpy.QtGui import QColor
from qtpy.QtCore import Signal, Slot, Property, QTimer, Q_ENUMS
from .baseplot import BasePlot, BasePlotCurveItem
from .channel import PyDMChannel
from ..utilities import remove_protocol

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)



DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1000  # Plot update rate for fixed rate mode in milliseconds

class updateMode(object):
    """updateMode as new type for plot update"""

    OnValueChange = 1
    AtFixedRate = 2

[docs]class TimePlotCurveItem(BasePlotCurveItem): """ TimePlotCurveItem represents a single curve in a time plot. It is used to plot a scalar value vs. time. In addition to the parameters listed below, TimePlotCurveItem accepts keyword arguments for all plot options that pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem accepts. Parameters ---------- channel_address : str The address to of the scalar data to plot. plot_by_timestamps : bool If True, the x-axis shows timestamps as ticks, and those timestamps scroll to the left as time progresses. If False, the x-axis tick marks show time relative to the current time. plot_style: str, optional Currently one of either 'Line' or 'Bar'. Determines how data points for this curve will be plotted. Defaults to a line based plot if not set color : QColor, optional The color used to draw the curve line and the symbols. lineStyle: int, optional Style of the line connecting the data points. Must be a value from the Qt::PenStyle enum (see lineWidth: int, optional Width of the line connecting the data points. **kws : dict Additional parameters supported by pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem, like 'symbol' and 'symbolSize'. """ _channels = ("channel",) def __init__(self, channel_address=None, plot_by_timestamps=True, plot_style="Line", **kws): """ Parameters ---------- channel_address : str The PV address plot_by_timestamps : bool If True, the x-axis shows timestamps as ticks, and those timestamps scroll to the left as time progresses. If False, the x-axis tick marks show time relative to the current time. kws : dict Additional parameters supported by pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem, like 'symbol' and 'symbolSize'. """ channel_address = "" if channel_address is None else channel_address if "name" not in kws or not kws["name"]: name = remove_protocol(channel_address) kws["name"] = name # Keep the x-axis moving with latest timestamps as ticks self._plot_by_timestamps = plot_by_timestamps self.plot_style = plot_style self._bufferSize = MINIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE self._update_mode = PyDMTimePlot.OnValueChange self._min_y_value = None self._max_y_value = None self.data_buffer = np.zeros((2, self._bufferSize), order="f", dtype=float) self.connected = False self.points_accumulated = 0 self.latest_value = None = None self.address = channel_address super(TimePlotCurveItem, self).__init__(**kws)
[docs] def to_dict(self): dic_ = OrderedDict([("channel", self.address), ("plot_style", self.plot_style)]) dic_.update(super(TimePlotCurveItem, self).to_dict()) return dic_
@property def address(self): if is None: return None return @address.setter def address(self, new_address): if new_address is None or len(str(new_address)) < 1: = None return = PyDMChannel( address=new_address, connection_slot=self.connectionStateChanged, value_slot=self.receiveNewValue ) @property def plotByTimeStamps(self): return self._plot_by_timestamps @plotByTimeStamps.setter def plotByTimeStamps(self, new_value): if self._plot_by_timestamps != new_value: self._plot_by_timestamps = new_value @property def minY(self): """ Get the minimum y-value so far in the same plot. This is useful to scale the y-axis for a selected curve. Returns ------- float The minimum y-value collected so far for this current curve. """ return self._min_y_value @property def maxY(self): """ Get the maximum y-value so far in the same plot. This is useful to scale the y-axis for a selected curve. Returns ------- float The maximum y-value collected so far for this current curve. """ return self._max_y_value @Slot(bool) def connectionStateChanged(self, connected): # Maybe change pen stroke? self.connected = connected if not self.connected: self.latest_value = np.nan
[docs] @Slot(float) @Slot(int) def receiveNewValue(self, new_value): """ Rotate and fill the data buffer when a new value is available. For Synchronous mode, write the new value into the data buffer immediately, and increment the accumulated point counter. For Asynchronous, write the new value into a temporary (buffered) variable, which will be written to the data buffer when asyncUpdate is called. This method is usually called by a PyDMChannel when it updates. You can call it yourself to inject data into the curve. Parameters ---------- new_value : float The new y-value. """ self.update_min_max_y_values(new_value) if self._update_mode == PyDMTimePlot.OnValueChange: self.data_buffer = np.roll(self.data_buffer, -1) # The first array row is to record timestamps, when a new value arrives. self.data_buffer[0, self._bufferSize - 1] = time.time() # The second array row is to record the actual values. self.data_buffer[1, self._bufferSize - 1] = new_value if self.points_accumulated < self._bufferSize: self.points_accumulated += 1 self.data_changed.emit() elif self._update_mode == PyDMTimePlot.AtFixedRated: self.latest_value = new_value
[docs] @Slot() def asyncUpdate(self): """ Updates the latest data read from the buffered variable into the data buffer, together with the timestamp when this happens. Also increments the accumulated point counter. """ if self._update_mode != PyDMTimePlot.AtFixedRated: return self.data_buffer = np.roll(self.data_buffer, -1) self.data_buffer[0, self._bufferSize - 1] = time.time() self.data_buffer[1, self._bufferSize - 1] = self.latest_value if self.points_accumulated < self._bufferSize: self.points_accumulated = self.points_accumulated + 1 self.data_changed.emit()
[docs] def update_min_max_y_values(self, new_value): """ Update the min and max y-value as a new value is available. This is useful for auto-scaling to a specific curve. Parameters ---------- new_value : float The new y-value just available. """ if self._min_y_value is None and self._max_y_value is None: self._min_y_value = self._max_y_value = new_value elif self._min_y_value > new_value: self._min_y_value = new_value elif self._max_y_value < new_value: self._max_y_value = new_value
[docs] def initialize_buffer(self): """ Initialize the data buffer used to plot the current curve. """ self.points_accumulated = 0 # If you don't specify dtype=float, you don't have enough # resolution for the timestamp data. self.data_buffer = np.zeros((2, self._bufferSize), order="f", dtype=float) self.data_buffer[0].fill(time.time())
def getBufferSize(self): return int(self._bufferSize) def setBufferSize(self, value): if self._bufferSize != int(value): self._bufferSize = max(int(value), MINIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE) self.initialize_buffer() def resetBufferSize(self): if self._bufferSize != DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE: self._bufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE self.initialize_buffer()
[docs] @Slot() def redrawCurve(self, min_x: Optional[float] = None, max_x: Optional[float] = None): """ Redraw the curve with the new data. If plot by timestamps, plot the x-axis with the timestamps as the ticks. On the other hand, if plot by relative time, take the time diff from the starting time of the curve, and plot the data to the time diff position on the x-axis. Parameters ---------- min_x: float, optional The minimum timestamp to render when plotting as a bar graph. max_x: float, optional The maximum timestamp to render when plotting as a bar graph. """ try: x = self.data_buffer[0, -self.points_accumulated :].astype(float) y = self.data_buffer[1, -self.points_accumulated :].astype(float) if not self._plot_by_timestamps: x -= time.time() if self.plot_style is None or self.plot_style == "Line": self.setData(y=y, x=x) elif self.plot_style == "Bar": # In cases where the buffer size is large, we don't want to render 10,000+ bars on every update # if only a fraction of those are actually visible. These 2 indices represent the visible range # of the plot, and we will only render bars within that range. min_index = np.searchsorted(x, min_x) max_index = np.searchsorted(x, max_x) + 1 self._setBarGraphItem(x=x[min_index:max_index], y=y[min_index:max_index]) except (ZeroDivisionError, OverflowError): # Solve an issue with pyqtgraph and initial downsampling pass
def _setBarGraphItem(self, x, y): """Set the plots points to render as bars. No need to call this directly as it will automatically be handled by redrawCurve()""" if self.points_accumulated == 0 or len(x) == 0 or len(y) == 0: return brushes = np.array([self.color] * len(x)) if self.threshold_color is not None: if self.upper_threshold is not None: brushes[np.argwhere(y > self.upper_threshold)] = self.threshold_color if self.lower_threshold is not None: brushes[np.argwhere(y < self.lower_threshold)] = self.threshold_color self.bar_graph_item.setOpts(x=x, height=y, brushes=brushes)
[docs] def setUpdatesAsynchronously(self, value): """ Check if value is from updatesAsynchronously(bool) or updateMode(int) """ if isinstance(value, int) and value == updateMode.AtFixedRate or isinstance(value, bool) and value is True: self._update_mode = PyDMTimePlot.AtFixedRate else: self._update_mode = PyDMTimePlot.OnValueChange self.initialize_buffer()
def resetUpdatesAsynchronously(self): self._update_mode = PyDMTimePlot.OnValueChange self.initialize_buffer()
[docs] def min_x(self): """ Provide the the oldest valid timestamp from the data buffer. Returns ------- float The timestamp of the most recent data point recorded into the data buffer. """ return self.data_buffer[0, -self.points_accumulated]
[docs] def max_x(self): """ Provide the the most recent timestamp accumulated from the data buffer. This is useful for scaling the x-axis. Returns ------- float The timestamp of the most recent data point recorded into the data buffer. """ return self.data_buffer[0, -1]
def channels(self): return []
[docs]class PyDMTimePlot(BasePlot, updateMode): """ PyDMTimePlot is a widget to plot one or more channels vs. time. Each curve can plot either a Y-axis waveform vs. its indices, or a Y-axis waveform against an X-axis waveform. Parameters ---------- parent : optional The parent of this widget. init_y_channels : list A list of scalar channels to plot vs time. plot_by_timestamps : bool If True, the x-axis shows timestamps as ticks, and those timestamps scroll to the left as time progresses. If False, the x-axis tick marks show time relative to the current time. background: optional The background color for the plot. Accepts any arguments that pyqtgraph.mkColor will accept. bottom_axis: AxisItem, optional Will set the bottom axis of this plot to the input axis. If not set, will default to either a TimeAxisItem if plot_by_timestamps is true, or a regular AxisItem otherwise """ OnValueChange = 1 AtFixedRated = 2 Q_ENUMS(updateMode) updateMode = updateMode plot_redrawn_signal = Signal(TimePlotCurveItem) def __init__( self, parent=None, init_y_channels=[], plot_by_timestamps=True, background="default", bottom_axis=None ): """ Parameters ---------- parent : Widget The parent widget of the chart. init_y_channels : list A list of scalar channels to plot vs time. plot_by_timestamps : bool If True, the x-axis shows timestamps as ticks, and those timestamps scroll to the left as time progresses. If False, the x-axis tick marks show time relative to the current time. background : str, optional The background color for the plot. Accepts any arguments that pyqtgraph.mkColor will accept. """ self._updateMode = updateMode.OnValueChange self._plot_by_timestamps = plot_by_timestamps if bottom_axis is not None: self._bottom_axis = bottom_axis elif plot_by_timestamps: self._bottom_axis = TimeAxisItem("bottom") else: self.starting_epoch_time = time.time() self._bottom_axis = AxisItem("bottom") super(PyDMTimePlot, self).__init__( parent=parent, background=background, axisItems={"bottom": self._bottom_axis} ) # Removing the downsampling while PR 763 is not merged at pyqtgraph # Reference: # self.setDownsampling(ds=True, auto=True, mode="mean") if self._plot_by_timestamps: self.plotItem.disableAutoRange(ViewBox.XAxis) self.getViewBox().setMouseEnabled(x=False) else: self.plotItem.setRange(xRange=[DEFAULT_X_MIN, 0], padding=0) self.plotItem.setLimits(xMax=0) self._bufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE self._time_span = DEFAULT_TIME_SPAN # This is in seconds self._update_interval = DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL self.update_timer = QTimer(self) self.update_timer.setInterval(self._update_interval) self._update_mode = PyDMTimePlot.OnValueChange self._needs_redraw = True self.labels = {"left": None, "right": None, "bottom": None} self.units = {"left": None, "right": None, "bottom": None} for channel in init_y_channels: self.addYChannel(channel) def initialize_for_designer(self): # If we are in Qt Designer, don't update the plot continuously. # This function gets called by PyDMTimePlot's designer plugin. self.redraw_timer.setSingleShot(True)
[docs] def addYChannel( self, y_channel=None, plot_style=None, name=None, color=None, lineStyle=None, lineWidth=None, symbol=None, symbolSize=None, barWidth=None, upperThreshold=None, lowerThreshold=None, thresholdColor=None, yAxisName=None, useArchiveData=False, ): """ Adds a new curve to the current plot Parameters ---------- y_channel : str The PV address plot_style : str, optional The style in which to render the data, either 'Line' or 'Bar' name : str The name of the curve (usually made the same as the PV address) color : QColor The color for the curve lineStyle : str The line style of the curve, i.e. solid, dash, dot, etc. lineWidth : int How thick the curve line should be symbol : str The symbols as markers along the curve, i.e. circle, square, triangle, star, etc. symbolSize : int How big the symbols should be barWidth: float, optional Width of any bars drawn on the plot upperThreshold: float, optional Bars that are above this value will be drawn in the threshold color lowerThreshold: float, optional Bars that are below this value will be drawn in the threshold color thresholdColor: QColor, optional Color to draw bars that exceed either threshold yAxisName : str The name of the y axis to associate with this curve. Will be created if it doesn't yet exist Returns ------- new_curve : TimePlotCurveItem The newly created curve. """ plot_opts = dict() plot_opts["symbol"] = symbol if symbolSize is not None: plot_opts["symbolSize"] = symbolSize if lineStyle is not None: plot_opts["lineStyle"] = lineStyle if lineWidth is not None: plot_opts["lineWidth"] = lineWidth # Add curve new_curve = self.createCurveItem( channel_address=y_channel, plot_by_timestamps=self._plot_by_timestamps, plot_style=plot_style, name=name, color=color, yAxisName=yAxisName, useArchiveData=useArchiveData, **plot_opts ) new_curve.setUpdatesAsynchronously(self.updateMode) new_curve.setBufferSize(self._bufferSize) self.update_timer.timeout.connect(new_curve.asyncUpdate) if plot_style == "Bar": if barWidth is None: barWidth = 1.0 # Can't use default since it can be explicitly set to None and avoided new_curve.bar_graph_item = BarGraphItem(x=[], height=[], width=barWidth, brush=color) new_curve.setBarGraphInfo(barWidth, upperThreshold, lowerThreshold, thresholdColor) self.addCurve(new_curve, curve_color=color, y_axis_name=yAxisName) if new_curve.bar_graph_item is not None: # Must happen after addCurve() so that the view box has been created new_curve.getViewBox().addItem(new_curve.bar_graph_item) new_curve.data_changed.connect(self.set_needs_redraw) self.redraw_timer.start() return new_curve
def createCurveItem(self, *args, **kwargs): return TimePlotCurveItem(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def removeYChannel(self, curve): """ Remove a curve from the graph. This also stops update the timer associated with the curve. Parameters ---------- curve : TimePlotCurveItem The curve to be removed. """ self.update_timer.timeout.disconnect(curve.asyncUpdate) self.removeCurve(curve) if len(self._curves) < 1: self.redraw_timer.stop()
[docs] def removeYChannelAtIndex(self, index): """ Remove a curve from the graph, given its index in the graph's curve list. Parameters ---------- index : int The curve's index from the graph's curve list. """ curve = self._curves[index] self.removeYChannel(curve)
@Slot() def set_needs_redraw(self): self._needs_redraw = True
[docs] @Slot() def redrawPlot(self): """ Redraw the graph """ if not self._needs_redraw: return self.updateXAxis() # The minimum and maximum x-axis timestamps visible to the user min_x = self.plotItem.getViewBox().state["viewRange"][0][0] max_x = self.plotItem.getViewBox().state["viewRange"][0][1] for curve in self._curves: curve.redrawCurve(min_x=min_x, max_x=max_x) self.plot_redrawn_signal.emit(curve) self._needs_redraw = False
[docs] def updateXAxis(self, update_immediately=False): """ Update the x-axis for every graph redraw. Parameters ---------- update_immediately : bool Update the axis range(s) immediately if True, or defer until the next rendering. """ if len(self._curves) == 0: return if self._plot_by_timestamps: if self._update_mode == PyDMTimePlot.OnValueChange: maxrange = max([curve.max_x() for curve in self._curves]) else: maxrange = time.time() minrange = maxrange - self._time_span current_min_x = self.plotItem.getAxis("bottom").range[0] # Minimum x value currently displayed on the plot if not self.plotItem.isAnyXAutoRange() or ( self.plotItem.isAnyXAutoRange() and maxrange - current_min_x >= self._time_span ): # Keep the rolling window of data moving, unless the user asked for autorange and we've # not yet hit the maximum amount of data to display based on the time span self.plotItem.setXRange(minrange, maxrange, padding=0.0, update=update_immediately) else: diff_time = self.starting_epoch_time - max([curve.max_x() for curve in self._curves]) if diff_time > DEFAULT_X_MIN: diff_time = DEFAULT_X_MIN self.getViewBox().setLimits(minXRange=diff_time)
[docs] def clearCurves(self): """ Remove all curves from the graph. """ super(PyDMTimePlot, self).clear()
[docs] def getCurves(self): """ Dump the current list of curves and each curve's settings into a list of JSON-formatted strings. Returns ------- settings : list A list of JSON-formatted strings, each containing a curve's settings """ return [json.dumps(curve.to_dict()) for curve in self._curves]
[docs] def setCurves(self, new_list): """ Add a list of curves into the graph. Parameters ---------- new_list : list A list of JSON-formatted strings, each contains a curve and its settings """ try: new_list = [json.loads(str(i)) for i in new_list] except ValueError as e: logger.exception("Error parsing curve json data: {}".format(e)) return self.clearCurves() for d in new_list: color = d.get("color") thresholdColor = d.get("thresholdColor") if color: color = QColor(color) if thresholdColor: thresholdColor = QColor(thresholdColor) self.addYChannel( d["channel"], plot_style=d.get("plot_style"), name=d.get("name"), color=color, lineStyle=d.get("lineStyle"), lineWidth=d.get("lineWidth"), symbol=d.get("symbol"), symbolSize=d.get("symbolSize"), barWidth=d.get("barWidth"), upperThreshold=d.get("upperThreshold"), lowerThreshold=d.get("lowerThreshold"), thresholdColor=thresholdColor, yAxisName=d.get("yAxisName"), )
curves = Property("QStringList", getCurves, setCurves, designable=False)
[docs] def findCurve(self, pv_name): """ Find a curve from a graph's curve list. Parameters ---------- pv_name : str The curve's PV address. Returns ------- curve : TimePlotCurveItem The found curve, or None. """ for curve in self._curves: if curve.address == pv_name: return curve
[docs] def refreshCurve(self, curve): """ Remove a curve currently being plotted on the timeplot, then redraw that curve, which could have been updated with a new symbol, line style, line width, etc. Parameters ---------- curve : TimePlotCurveItem The curve to be re-added. """ curve = self.findCurve( if curve: self.removeYChannel(curve) self.addYChannel( y_channel=curve.address, plot_style=curve.plot_style, color=curve.color, name=curve.address, lineStyle=curve.lineStyle, lineWidth=curve.lineWidth, symbol=curve.symbol, symbolSize=curve.symbolSize, barWidth=curve.bar_width, upperThreshold=curve.upper_threshold, lowerThreshold=curve.lower_threshold, thresholdColor=curve.threshold_color, yAxisName=curve.y_axis_name, )
[docs] def addLegendItem(self, item, pv_name, force_show_legend=False): """ Add an item into the graph's legend. Parameters ---------- item : TimePlotCurveItem A curve being plotted in the graph pv_name : str The PV channel force_show_legend : bool True to make the legend to be displayed; False to just add the item, but do not display the legend. """ self._legend.addItem(item, pv_name) self.setShowLegend(force_show_legend)
[docs] def removeLegendItem(self, pv_name): """ Remove an item from the legend. Parameters ---------- pv_name : str The PV channel, used to search for the legend item to remove. """ self._legend.removeItem(pv_name) if len(self._legend.items) == 0: self.setShowLegend(False)
[docs] def getBufferSize(self): """ Get the size of the data buffer for the entire chart. Returns ------- size : int The chart's data buffer size. """ return int(self._bufferSize)
[docs] def setBufferSize(self, value): """ Set the size of the data buffer of the entire chart. This will also update the same value for each of the data buffer of each chart's curve. Parameters ---------- value : int The new buffer size for the chart. """ if self._bufferSize != int(value): # Originally, the bufferSize is the max between the user's input and 1, and 1 doesn't make sense. # So, I'm comparing the user's input with the minimum buffer size, and pick the max between the two self._bufferSize = max(int(value), MINIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE) for curve in self._curves: curve.setBufferSize(value)
[docs] def resetBufferSize(self): """ Reset the data buffer size of the chart, and each of the chart's curve's data buffer, to the minimum """ if self._bufferSize != DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE: self._bufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE for curve in self._curves: curve.resetBufferSize()
bufferSize = Property("int", getBufferSize, setBufferSize, resetBufferSize) def getUpdatesAsynchronously(self): return self._update_mode == PyDMTimePlot.AtFixedRated def setUpdatesAsynchronously(self, value): for curve in self._curves: curve.setUpdatesAsynchronously(value) """ Check if value is from updatesAsynchronously(bool) or updateMode(int) """ if isinstance(value, int) and value == updateMode.AtFixedRate or isinstance(value, bool) and value is True: self._update_mode = PyDMTimePlot.AtFixedRate self.update_timer.start() else: self._update_mode = PyDMTimePlot.OnValueChange self.update_timer.stop() def resetUpdatesAsynchronously(self): self._update_mode = PyDMTimePlot.OnValueChange self.update_timer.stop() for curve in self._curves: curve.resetUpdatesAsynchronously() updatesAsynchronously = Property( "bool", getUpdatesAsynchronously, setUpdatesAsynchronously, resetUpdatesAsynchronously, designable=False ) @Property(updateMode) def updateMode(self): """ The updateMode to be used as property to set plot update mode. Returns ------- updateMode """ return self._updateMode @updateMode.setter def updateMode(self, new_type): """ The updateMode to be used as property to set plot update mode. Parameters ---------- new_type : updateMode """ if new_type != self._updateMode: self._updateMode = new_type self.setUpdatesAsynchronously(self._updateMode)
[docs] def getTimeSpan(self): """ The extent of the x-axis of the chart, in seconds. In other words, how long a data point stays on the plot before falling off the left edge. Returns ------- time_span : float The extent of the x-axis of the chart, in seconds. """ return float(self._time_span)
[docs] def setTimeSpan(self, value): """ Set the extent of the x-axis of the chart, in seconds. In aynchronous mode, the chart will allocate enough buffer for the new time span duration. Data arriving after each duration will be recorded into the buffer having been rotated. Parameters ---------- value : float The time span duration, in seconds, to allocate enough buffer to collect data for, before rotating the buffer. """ value = float(value) if self._time_span != value: self._time_span = value if self.getUpdatesAsynchronously(): self.setBufferSize(int((self._time_span * 1000.0) / self._update_interval)) self.updateXAxis(update_immediately=True)
[docs] def resetTimeSpan(self): """ Reset the timespan to the default value. """ if self._time_span != DEFAULT_TIME_SPAN: self._time_span = DEFAULT_TIME_SPAN if self.getUpdatesAsynchronously(): self.setBufferSize(int((self._time_span * 1000.0) / self._update_interval)) self.updateXAxis(update_immediately=True)
timeSpan = Property(float, getTimeSpan, setTimeSpan, resetTimeSpan)
[docs] def getUpdateInterval(self): """ Get the update interval for the chart. Returns ------- interval : float The update interval of the chart. """ return float(self._update_interval) / 1000.0
[docs] def setUpdateInterval(self, value): """ Set a new update interval for the chart and update its data buffer size. Parameters ---------- value : float The new update interval value. """ value = abs(int(1000.0 * value)) if self._update_interval != value: self._update_interval = value self.update_timer.setInterval(self._update_interval) if self.getUpdatesAsynchronously(): self.setBufferSize(int((self._time_span * 1000.0) / self._update_interval))
[docs] def resetUpdateInterval(self): """ Reset the chart's update interval to the default. """ if self._update_interval != DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL: self._update_interval = DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL self.update_timer.setInterval(self._update_interval) if self.getUpdatesAsynchronously(): self.setBufferSize(int((self._time_span * 1000.0) / self._update_interval))
updateInterval = Property(float, getUpdateInterval, setUpdateInterval, resetUpdateInterval)
[docs] def getAutoRangeX(self): if self._plot_by_timestamps: return False return super(PyDMTimePlot, self).getAutoRangeX()
[docs] def setAutoRangeX(self, value): if self._plot_by_timestamps: self._auto_range_x = False self.plotItem.enableAutoRange(ViewBox.XAxis, enable=self._auto_range_x) else: super(PyDMTimePlot, self).setAutoRangeX(value)
def channels(self): return [ for curve in self._curves] # The methods for autoRangeY, minYRange, and maxYRange are # all defined in BasePlot, but we don't expose them as properties there, because not all plot # subclasses necessarily want them to be user-configurable in Designer. autoRangeY = Property( bool, BasePlot.getAutoRangeY, BasePlot.setAutoRangeY, BasePlot.resetAutoRangeY, doc=""" Whether or not the Y-axis automatically rescales to fit the data. If true, the values in minYRange and maxYRange are ignored. """, ) minYRange = Property( float, BasePlot.getMinYRange, BasePlot.setMinYRange, doc=""" Minimum Y-axis value visible on the plot.""", ) maxYRange = Property( float, BasePlot.getMaxYRange, BasePlot.setMaxYRange, doc=""" Maximum Y-axis value visible on the plot.""", )
[docs] def enableCrosshair( self, is_enabled, starting_x_pos=DEFAULT_X_MIN, starting_y_pos=DEFAULT_Y_MIN, vertical_angle=90, horizontal_angle=0, vertical_movable=False, horizontal_movable=False, ): """ Display a crosshair on the graph. Parameters ---------- is_enabled : bool True is to display the crosshair; False is to hide it. starting_x_pos : float The x position where the vertical line will cross starting_y_pos : float The y position where the horizontal line will cross vertical_angle : int The angle of the vertical line horizontal_angle : int The angle of the horizontal line vertical_movable : bool True if the user can move the vertical line; False if not horizontal_movable : bool True if the user can move the horizontal line; False if not """ super(PyDMTimePlot, self).enableCrosshair( is_enabled, starting_x_pos, starting_y_pos, vertical_angle, horizontal_angle, vertical_movable, horizontal_movable, )
class TimeAxisItem(AxisItem): """ TimeAxisItem formats a unix time axis into a human-readable format. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TimeAxisItem, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.enableAutoSIPrefix(False) def tickStrings(self, values, scale, spacing): strings = [] for val in values: strings.append(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(val))) return strings