Source code for pydm.widgets.tab_bar

from qtpy.QtWidgets import QTabBar, QTabWidget
from qtpy.QtGui import QIcon, QColor
from qtpy.QtCore import QByteArray
from .base import PyDMWidget
from .channel import PyDMChannel
from qtpy.QtCore import Property
from functools import partial
from ..utilities.iconfont import IconFont

class PyDMTabBar(QTabBar, PyDMWidget):
    """PyDMTabBar is used internally by PyDMTabWidget, and shouldn't be directly used on its own."""

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(PyDMTabBar, self).__init__(parent=parent)
        self.tab_channels = {}
        self.tab_connection_status = {}
        self.tab_alarm_severity = {}
        self._channels = []
        self._no_alarm_icon_color = QColor(0, 220, 0)
        self._minor_alarm_icon_color = QColor(220, 220, 0)
        self._major_alarm_icon_color = QColor(255, 0, 0)
        self._invalid_alarm_icon_color = QColor(220, 0, 220)
        self._disconnected_alarm_icon_color = QColor(255, 255, 255)
        self.alarm_icons = None

    def currentTabAlarmChannel(self):
        """A channel to use for this tab's alarm indicator."""
        if self.currentIndex() < 0:
            return str(self.tab_channels[self.currentIndex()]["address"])
        except KeyError:
            return ""

    def currentTabAlarmChannel(self, new_alarm_channel):
        if self.currentIndex() < 0:
        self.set_channel_for_tab(self.currentIndex(), new_alarm_channel)

    def set_channel_for_tab(self, index, channel):
        idx = self.tab_channels.get(index)
        if idx:
            # Disconnect the channel if we already had one in
            chan = idx.get("channel", None)
            if chan:
                self.tab_channels[index]["channel"] = None
                del chan
            chan = None
            self.tab_channels[index] = dict()

        self.tab_channels[index]["address"] = str(channel)
        if channel:
            # Create PyDMChannel and connect
            chan = PyDMChannel(
                connection_slot=partial(self.connection_changed_for_tab, index),
                severity_slot=partial(self.alarm_changed_for_tab, index),
            self.tab_channels[index]["channel"] = chan

    def channels(self):
        if self._channels is not None:
            return list(self._channels)
        return None

    def connection_changed_for_tab(self, index, conn):
        if not conn:
            self.setTabIcon(index, self.alarm_icons[self.ALARM_DISCONNECTED])
        self.tab_connection_status[index] = conn

    def alarm_changed_for_tab(self, index, alarm_state):
        self.setTabIcon(index, self.alarm_icons[alarm_state])
        self.tab_alarm_severity[index] = alarm_state

    def getAlarmChannels(self):
        """alarmChannels is a property used to store the configuration of this tab bar
        when it has been created in Qt Designer.  This property isn't directly editable
        by users, they will go through the currentTabAlarmChannel property to edit this
        return [str(self.tab_channels[i]["address"]) for i in range(0, self.count())]

    def setAlarmChannels(self, new_alarm_channels):
        for tab_number, channel_address in enumerate(new_alarm_channels):
            self.set_channel_for_tab(tab_number, channel_address)

    def set_initial_icon_for_tab(self, index):
        idx = self.tab_channels.get(index)
        if idx and idx.get("address") in ("", "None", None):
            self.setTabIcon(index, QIcon())
            icon_index = self.ALARM_DISCONNECTED
            if self.tab_connection_status.get(index, False) and index in self.tab_alarm_severity:
                icon_index = self.tab_alarm_severity[index]
            self.setTabIcon(index, self.alarm_icons[icon_index])

    def tabInserted(self, index):
        super(PyDMTabBar, self).tabInserted(index)
        if index not in self.tab_channels:
            self.tab_channels[index] = {"address": ""}

    def noAlarmIconColor(self):
        return self._no_alarm_icon_color

    def noAlarmIconColor(self, new_color):
        if self._no_alarm_icon_color != new_color:
            self._no_alarm_icon_color = new_color

    def minorAlarmIconColor(self):
        return self._minor_alarm_icon_color

    def minorAlarmIconColor(self, new_color):
        if self._minor_alarm_icon_color != new_color:
            self._minor_alarm_icon_color = new_color

    def majorAlarmIconColor(self):
        return self._major_alarm_icon_color

    def majorAlarmIconColor(self, new_color):
        if self._major_alarm_icon_color != new_color:
            self._major_alarm_icon_color = new_color

    def invalidAlarmIconColor(self):
        return self._invalid_alarm_icon_color

    def invalidAlarmIconColor(self, new_color):
        if self._invalid_alarm_icon_color != new_color:
            self._invalid_alarm_icon_color = new_color

    def disconnectedAlarmIconColor(self):
        return self._disconnected_alarm_icon_color

    def disconnectedAlarmIconColor(self, new_color):
        if self._disconnected_alarm_icon_color != new_color:
            self._disconnected_alarm_icon_color = new_color

    def generate_alarm_icons(self):
        self.alarm_icons = (
            IconFont().icon("circle", color=self.noAlarmIconColor),
            IconFont().icon("circle", color=self.minorAlarmIconColor),
            IconFont().icon("exclamation-circle", color=self.majorAlarmIconColor),
            IconFont().icon("question-circle", color=self.invalidAlarmIconColor),
            IconFont().icon("times-circle", color=self.disconnectedAlarmIconColor),
        for i in range(0, self.count()):

[docs]class PyDMTabWidget(QTabWidget): """PyDMTabWidget provides a tabbed container widget. Each tab has an alarm channel property which can be used to show an alarm indicator on the tab. The indicator is driven by the alarm severity of the specified channel, not the value. Parameters ---------- parent : QWidget The parent widget for the Tab Widget """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super(PyDMTabWidget, self).__init__(parent=parent) self.tb = PyDMTabBar(parent=self) self.setTabBar(self.tb) @Property(QByteArray) def currentTabAlarmChannel(self): """ A channel to use for the current tab's alarm indicator. Returns ------- str """ if self.tabBar().currentTabAlarmChannel: return bytearray(self.tabBar().currentTabAlarmChannel.encode("utf-8")) else: return bytearray() @currentTabAlarmChannel.setter def currentTabAlarmChannel(self, new_alarm_channel): self.tabBar().currentTabAlarmChannel = bytes(new_alarm_channel).decode()
[docs] def channels(self): """ A list of the channels used by the tab widget. Returns ------- list """ return self.tabBar().channels()
[docs] def getAlarmChannels(self): """alarmChannels is a property used to store the configuration of this tab bar when it has been created in Qt Designer. This property isn't directly editable by users, they will go through the currentTabAlarmChannel property to edit this information.""" return self.tabBar().getAlarmChannels()
[docs] def setAlarmChannels(self, new_alarm_channels): """ Sets the list of alarm channels for each tab. This is needed for instantiating a tab widget from a .ui file, and is probably not very useful for users. """ self.tabBar().setAlarmChannels(new_alarm_channels)
@Property(QColor) def noAlarmIconColor(self): """ A color to use for alarm-sensitive tabs that have PyDMWidget.ALARM_NONE severity level. This property can be defined in a stylesheet by using 'qproperty-noAlarmIconColor'. Returns ------- QColor """ return self.tabBar().noAlarmIconColor @noAlarmIconColor.setter def noAlarmIconColor(self, new_color): if self.tabBar().noAlarmIconColor != new_color: self.tabBar().noAlarmIconColor = new_color self.tabBar().generate_alarm_icons() @Property(QColor) def minorAlarmIconColor(self): """ A color to use for alarm-sensitive tabs that have PyDMWidget.ALARM_MINOR severity level. This property can be defined in a stylesheet by using 'qproperty-minorAlarmIconColor'. Returns ------- QColor """ return self.tabBar().minorAlarmIconColor @minorAlarmIconColor.setter def minorAlarmIconColor(self, new_color): self.tabBar().minorAlarmIconColor = new_color @Property(QColor) def majorAlarmIconColor(self): """ A color to use for alarm-sensitive tabs that have PyDMWidget.ALARM_MAJOR severity level. This property can be defined in a stylesheet by using 'qproperty-majorAlarmIconColor'. Returns ------- QColor """ return self.tabBar().majorAlarmIconColor @majorAlarmIconColor.setter def majorAlarmIconColor(self, new_color): self.tabBar().majorAlarmIconColor = new_color @Property(QColor) def invalidAlarmIconColor(self): """ A color to use for alarm-sensitive tabs that have PyDMWidget.ALARM_INVALID severity level. This property can be defined in a stylesheet by using 'qproperty-majorAlarmIconColor'. Returns ------- QColor """ return self.tabBar().invalidAlarmIconColor @invalidAlarmIconColor.setter def invalidAlarmIconColor(self, new_color): self.tabBar().invalidAlarmIconColor = new_color @Property(QColor) def disconnectedAlarmIconColor(self): """ A color to use for alarm-sensitive tabs that have PyDMWidget.ALARM_DISCONNECTED severity level. This property can be defined in a stylesheet by using 'qproperty-disconnectedAlarmIconColor'. Returns ------- QColor """ return self.tabBar().disconnectedAlarmIconColor @disconnectedAlarmIconColor.setter def disconnectedAlarmIconColor(self, new_color): self.tabBar().disconnectedAlarmIconColor = new_color alarmChannels = Property("QStringList", getAlarmChannels, setAlarmChannels, designable=False) # We make a bunch of dummy properties to block out properties available on QTabWidget, # but that we don't want to support on PyDMTabWidget. currentTabIcon = Property("QIcon", None, None, designable=False) documentMode = Property(bool, None, None, designable=False) tabsClosable = Property(bool, None, None, designable=False) movable = Property(bool, None, None, designable=False)