Source code for pydm.widgets.shell_command

import os
import shlex
import subprocess
from functools import partial
import sys
import logging
import warnings
import hashlib
from ast import literal_eval
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QPushButton, QMenu, QMessageBox, QInputDialog, QLineEdit, QWidget, QStyle
from qtpy.QtGui import QCursor, QIcon, QMouseEvent, QColor
from qtpy.QtCore import Property, QSize, Qt, QTimer, Q_ENUMS
from qtpy import QtDesigner
from .base import PyDMWidget, only_if_channel_set
from ..utilities import IconFont
from typing import Optional, Union, List

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class TermOutputMode:
    Enum to select the behavior of the stdout/stderr output from a subprocess.

    HIDE = 0
    SHOW = 1
    STORE = 2

[docs]class PyDMShellCommand(QPushButton, PyDMWidget, TermOutputMode): Q_ENUMS(TermOutputMode) """ A QPushButton capable of execute shell commands. Parameters ---------- parent : QWidget, optional The parent widget for the shell command command : str or list, optional A string for a single command to run, or a list of strings for multiple commands title : str or list, optional Title of the command to run, shown in the display. If a list, number of elements must match that of command init_channel : str, optional The channel to be used by the widget """ DEFAULT_CONFIRM_MESSAGE = "Are you sure you want to proceed?" TermOutputMode = TermOutputMode def __init__( self, parent: Optional[QWidget] = None, command: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, title: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, init_channel: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: QPushButton.__init__(self, parent) PyDMWidget.__init__(self, init_channel=init_channel) self.iconFont = IconFont() self._icon = self.iconFont.icon("cog") self._warning_icon = self.iconFont.icon("exclamation-circle") self.setIconSize(QSize(16, 16)) self.setIcon(self._icon) self.setCursor(QCursor(self._icon.pixmap(16, 16))) if not title: title = [] if not command: command = [] if isinstance(title, str): title = [title] if isinstance(command, str): command = [command] if len(title) > 0 and (len(title) != len(command)): raise ValueError("Number of items in 'command' must match number of items in 'title'.") self._commands = command self._titles = title self._menu_needs_rebuild = True self._allow_multiple = False self.process = None self._show_icon = True self._stdout = TermOutputMode.HIDE self._stderr = TermOutputMode.HIDE self._uses_stdout_intf = False # shell allows for more options such as command chaining ("cmd1;cmd2", "cmd1 && cmd2", etc ...), # use of environment variables, glob expansion ('ls *.txt'), etc... self._run_commands_in_full_shell = False self._password_protected = False self._password = "" self._protected_password = "" self.env_var = None self._show_confirm_dialog = False self._confirm_message = PyDMShellCommand.DEFAULT_CONFIRM_MESSAGE # Standard icons (which come with the qt install, and work cross-platform), # and icons from the "Font Awesome" icon set ( # can not be set with a widget's "icon" property in designer, only in python. # so we provide our own property to specify standard icons and set them with python in the prop's setter. self._pydm_icon_name = "" # The color of "Font Awesome" icons can be set, # but standard icons are already colored and can not be set. self._pydm_icon_color = QColor(90, 90, 90)
[docs] def confirmDialog(self) -> bool: """ Show the confirmation dialog with the proper message in case ```showConfirmMessage``` is True. Returns ------- bool True if the message was confirmed or if ```showCofirmMessage``` is False. """ if self._show_confirm_dialog: if self._confirm_message == "": self._confirm_message = PyDMShellCommand.DEFAULT_CONFIRM_MESSAGE msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Question) msg.setText(self._confirm_message) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) ret = msg.exec_() if ret == QMessageBox.No: return False return True
@Property(str) def PyDMIcon(self) -> str: """ Name of icon to be set from Qt provided standard icons or from the fontawesome icon-set. See "enum QStyle::StandardPixmap" in Qt's QStyle documentation for full list of usable standard icons. See for list of usable fontawesome icons. Returns ------- str """ return self._pydm_icon_name @PyDMIcon.setter def PyDMIcon(self, value: str) -> None: """ Name of icon to be set from Qt provided standard icons or from the "Font Awesome" icon-set. See "enum QStyle::StandardPixmap" in Qt's QStyle documentation for full list of usable standard icons. See for list of usable "Font Awesome" icons. Parameters ---------- value : str """ if self._pydm_icon_name == value: return # We don't know if user is trying to use a standard icon or an icon from "Font Awesome", # so 1st try to create a Font Awesome one, which hits exception if icon name is not valid. try: icon_f = IconFont() i = icon_f.icon(value, color=self._pydm_icon_color) self.setIcon(i) except Exception: icon = getattr(QStyle, value, None) if icon: self.setIcon( self._pydm_icon_name = value @Property(QColor) def PyDMIconColor(self) -> QColor: """ The color of the icon (color is only applied if using icon from the "Font Awesome" set) Returns ------- QColor """ return self._pydm_icon_color @PyDMIconColor.setter def PyDMIconColor(self, state_color: QColor) -> None: """ The color of the icon (color is only applied if using icon from the "Font Awesome" set) Parameters ---------- new_color : QColor """ if state_color != self._pydm_icon_color: self._pydm_icon_color = state_color # apply the new color try: icon_f = IconFont() i = icon_f.icon(self._pydm_icon_name, color=self._pydm_icon_color) self.setIcon(i) except Exception: return @Property(bool) def showConfirmDialog(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not to display a confirmation dialog. Returns ------- bool """ return self._show_confirm_dialog @showConfirmDialog.setter def showConfirmDialog(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Whether or not to display a confirmation dialog. Parameters ---------- value : bool """ if self._show_confirm_dialog != value: self._show_confirm_dialog = value @Property(bool) def runCommandsInFullShell(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not to run cmds with Popen's option for running them through a shell subprocess. Returns ------- bool """ return self._run_commands_in_full_shell @runCommandsInFullShell.setter def runCommandsInFullShell(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Whether or not to run cmds with Popen's option for running them through a shell subprocess. Parameters ---------- value : bool """ if self._run_commands_in_full_shell != value: self._run_commands_in_full_shell = value @Property(str) def confirmMessage(self) -> str: """ Message to be displayed at the Confirmation dialog. Returns ------- str """ return self._confirm_message @confirmMessage.setter def confirmMessage(self, value: str) -> None: """ Message to be displayed at the Confirmation dialog. Parameters ---------- value : str """ if self._confirm_message != value: self._confirm_message = value
[docs] @only_if_channel_set def check_enable_state(self) -> None: """ override parent method, so this widget does not get disabled when the pv disconnects. This method adds a Tool Tip with the reason why it is disabled. """ status = self._connected tooltip = self.restore_original_tooltip() if not status: if tooltip != "": tooltip += "\n" tooltip += "Alarm PV is disconnected." tooltip += "\n" tooltip += self.get_address() self.setToolTip(tooltip)
@Property(str) def environmentVariables(self) -> str: """ Return the environment variables which would be set along with the shell command. Returns ------- self.env_var : str """ return self.env_var @environmentVariables.setter def environmentVariables(self, new_dict: str) -> None: """ Set environment variables which would be set along with the shell command. Parameters ---------- new_dict : str """ if self.env_var != new_dict: self.env_var = new_dict @Property(bool) def showIcon(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not we should show the selected Icon. Returns ------- bool """ return self._show_icon @showIcon.setter def showIcon(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Whether or not we should show the selected Icon. Parameters ---------- value : bool """ if self._show_icon != value: self._show_icon = value if self._show_icon: self.setIcon(self._icon) else: self._icon = self.icon() self.setIcon(QIcon()) @Property(bool, designable=False) def redirectCommandOutput(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not we should redirect the output of command to the shell. This is deprecated in favor of the `stdout` property. If `stdout` has already been set, this property will be ignored and will log a warning when changed. If the `stdout` property has not been changed, setting and checking this property will still work as it always had for backwards compatibility. """ return self._stdout == TermOutputMode.SHOW @redirectCommandOutput.setter def redirectCommandOutput(self, value: bool) -> None: if self._uses_stdout_intf: logger.warning( f"In PydmShellCommand named {self.objectName()}, " 'tried to use deprecated "redirectCommandOutput" property to ' 'override "stdout" property. This has been ignored.' ) return if value: self._stdout = TermOutputMode.SHOW else: self._stdout = TermOutputMode.HIDE @Property(TermOutputMode) def stdout(self) -> TermOutputMode: """ The behavior of the subprocess's standard output stream. The options are: - `HIDE` (default): hide the stdout - `SHOW`: print stdout to terminal - `STORE`: capture stdout for programmatic retrieval This is implicitly linked to the older, soft deprecated parameter `redirectCommandOutput`, which can still be set to `False` to `HIDE` the stdout or `True` to `SHOW` the stdout, provided that stdout itself has not yet been set. """ return self._stdout @stdout.setter def stdout(self, value: TermOutputMode) -> None: self._uses_stdout_intf = True self._stdout = value @Property(TermOutputMode) def stderr(self) -> TermOutputMode: """ The behavior of the subprocess's standard error stream. The options are: - `HIDE` (default): hide the stderr - `SHOW`: print stderr to terminal - `STORE`: capture stderr for programmatic retrieval """ return self._stderr @stderr.setter def stderr(self, value: TermOutputMode) -> None: self._stderr = value @Property(bool) def allowMultipleExecutions(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not we should allow the same command to be executed even if it is still running. Returns ------- bool """ return self._allow_multiple @allowMultipleExecutions.setter def allowMultipleExecutions(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Whether or not we should allow the same command to be executed even if it is still running. Parameters ---------- value : bool """ if self._allow_multiple != value: self._allow_multiple = value @Property("QStringList") def titles(self) -> List[str]: return self._titles @titles.setter def titles(self, val: List[str]) -> None: self._titles = val self._menu_needs_rebuild = True @Property("QStringList") def commands(self) -> List[str]: return self._commands @commands.setter def commands(self, val: List[str]) -> None: if not val: self._commands = [] else: self._commands = val self._menu_needs_rebuild = True @Property(str, designable=False) def command(self) -> str: """ DEPRECATED: use the 'commands' property. This property simply returns the first command from the 'commands' property. The shell command to run. Returns ------- str """ if len(self.commands) == 0: return "" return self.commands[0] @command.setter def command(self, value: str) -> None: """ DEPRECATED: Use the 'commands' property instead. This property only has an effect if the 'commands' property is empty. If 'commands' is empty, it will be set to a single item list containing the value of 'command'. Parameters ---------- value : str """ warnings.warn("'PyDMShellCommand.command' is deprecated, " "use 'PyDMShellCommand.commands' instead.") if not self._commands: if value: self.commands = [value] else: self.commands = [] @Property(bool) def passwordProtected(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not this button is password protected. Returns ------- bool ------- """ return self._password_protected @passwordProtected.setter def passwordProtected(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Whether or not this button is password protected. Parameters ---------- value : bool """ if self._password_protected != value: self._password_protected = value @Property(str) def password(self) -> str: """ Password to be encrypted using SHA256. .. warning:: To avoid issues exposing the password this method always returns an empty string. Returns ------- str """ return "" @password.setter def password(self, value: str) -> None: """ Password to be encrypted using SHA256. Parameters ---------- value : str The password to be encrypted """ if value is not None and value != "": sha = hashlib.sha256() sha.update(value.encode()) # Use the setter as it also checks whether the existing password is the same with the # new one, and only updates if the new password is different self.protectedPassword = sha.hexdigest() # Make sure designer knows it should save the protectedPassword field formWindow = QtDesigner.QDesignerFormWindowInterface.findFormWindow(self) if formWindow: formWindow.cursor().setProperty("protectedPassword", self.protectedPassword) @Property(str) def protectedPassword(self) -> str: """ The encrypted password. Returns ------- str """ return self._protected_password @protectedPassword.setter def protectedPassword(self, value: str) -> None: """ Setter for the encrypted password. Parameters ------- value: str """ if self._protected_password != value: self._protected_password = value def _rebuild_menu(self) -> None: if not any(self._commands): self._commands = [] if not any(self._titles): self._titles = [] if len(self._commands) == 0: self.setEnabled(False) if len(self._commands) <= 1: self.setMenu(None) self._menu_needs_rebuild = False return menu = QMenu(self) for i, command in enumerate(self._commands): if i >= len(self._titles): title = command else: title = self._titles[i] action = menu.addAction(title) action.triggered.connect(partial(self.execute_command, command)) self.setMenu(menu) self._menu_needs_rebuild = False
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent) -> None: if self._menu_needs_rebuild: self._rebuild_menu() super(PyDMShellCommand, self).mousePressEvent(event)
[docs] def mouseReleaseEvent(self, mouse_event: QMouseEvent) -> None: """ mouseReleaseEvent is called when a mouse button is released. This means that if the user presses the mouse inside your widget, then drags the mouse somewhere else before releasing the mouse button, your widget receives the release event. Parameters ---------- mouse_event : """ if mouse_event.button() != Qt.LeftButton: return super(PyDMShellCommand, self).mouseReleaseEvent(mouse_event) if is not None: return super(PyDMShellCommand, self).mouseReleaseEvent(mouse_event) assert len(self.commands) == 1, "More than one command present, but no menu created." self.execute_command(self.commands[0]) super(PyDMShellCommand, self).mouseReleaseEvent(mouse_event)
[docs] def show_warning_icon(self) -> None: """Show the warning icon. This is called when a shell command fails (i.e. exits with nonzero status)""" self.setIcon(self._warning_icon) QTimer.singleShot(5000, self.hide_warning_icon)
[docs] def hide_warning_icon(self) -> None: """Hide the warning icon. This is called on a timer after the warning icon is shown.""" if self._show_icon: self.setIcon(self._icon) else: self.setIcon(QIcon())
[docs] def validate_password(self) -> bool: """ If the widget is ```passwordProtected```, this method will propmt the user for the correct password. Returns ------- bool True in case the password was correct of if the widget is not password protected. """ if not self._password_protected: return True pwd, ok = QInputDialog().getText(None, "Authentication", "Please enter your password:", QLineEdit.Password, "") pwd = str(pwd) if not ok or pwd == "": return False sha = hashlib.sha256() sha.update(pwd.encode()) pwd_encrypted = sha.hexdigest() if pwd_encrypted != self._protected_password: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText("Invalid password.") msg.setWindowTitle("Error") msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.setEscapeButton(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.exec_() return False return True
[docs] def execute_command(self, command: str) -> None: """ Execute the shell command given by ```command```. The process is available through the ```process``` member. Parameters ---------- command : str Shell command """ if not command:"The command is not set, so no command was executed.") return if not self.validate_password(): return None if not self.confirmDialog(): return None if (self.process is None or self.process.poll() is not None) or self._allow_multiple: cmd = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(command)) args = shlex.split(cmd, posix="win" not in sys.platform) # when shell enabled, Popen should take the cmds as a single string (not list) if self._run_commands_in_full_shell: args = cmd try: logger.debug("Launching process: %s", repr(args)) if self._stdout == TermOutputMode.HIDE: stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL elif self._stdout == TermOutputMode.SHOW: stdout = None elif self._stdout == TermOutputMode.STORE: stdout = subprocess.PIPE else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid stdout configuration {self._stdout}") if self._stderr == TermOutputMode.HIDE: stderr = subprocess.DEVNULL elif self._stderr == TermOutputMode.SHOW: stderr = None elif self._stderr == TermOutputMode.STORE: stderr = subprocess.PIPE else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid stderr configuration {self._stderr}") if self.env_var: env_var = literal_eval(self.env_var) else: env_var = None self.process = subprocess.Popen( args, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=env_var, shell=self._run_commands_in_full_shell ) except Exception as exc: self.show_warning_icon() logger.error("Error in shell command: %s", exc) else: logger.error("Command '%s' already active.", command)