Source code for pydm.widgets.scale

from .base import PyDMWidget, TextFormatter
from qtpy.QtGui import QColor, QPolygon, QPen, QPainter, QPaintEvent
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QFrame, QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, QLabel, QSizePolicy, QWidget, QGridLayout
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, QPoint, Property
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QWIDGETSIZE_MAX
from typing import Optional

class QScale(QFrame):
    A bar-shaped indicator for scalar value.
    Configurable features include indicator type (bar/pointer), scale tick
    marks and orientation (horizontal/vertical).

    parent : QWidget
        The parent widget for the Scale

    def __init__(self, parent: Optional[QWidget] = None) -> None:
        super(QScale, self).__init__(parent)
        self._value = 1
        self._lower_limit = -5
        self._upper_limit = 5
        self.position = None  # unit: pixel

        self._bg_color = QColor("darkgray")
        self._bg_size_rate = 0.8  # from 0 to 1

        self._indicator_color = QColor("black")
        self._pointer_width_rate = 0.05
        self._barIndicator = False

        self._num_divisions = 10
        self._show_ticks = True
        self._tick_pen = QPen()
        self._tick_color = QColor("black")
        self._tick_width = 0
        self._tick_size_rate = 0.1  # from 0 to 1
        self._painter = QPainter()

        self._painter_rotation = None
        self._painter_translation_y = None
        self._painter_translation_x = None
        self._painter_scale_x = None
        self._flip_traslation_y = None
        self._flip_scale_y = None

        self._widget_width = self.width()
        self._widget_height = self.height()

        self._orientation = Qt.Horizontal
        self._inverted_appearance = False
        self._flip_scale = False
        self._scale_height = 35
        self._origin_at_zero = False
        self._origin_position = 0


    def adjust_transformation(self) -> None:
        This method sets parameters for the widget transformations (needed to for
        orientation, flipping and appearance inversion).
        self.setMaximumSize(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX)  # Unset fixed size
        if self._orientation == Qt.Horizontal:
            self._widget_width = self.width()
            self._widget_height = self.height()
            self._painter_translation_y = 0
            self._painter_rotation = 0
            self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Fixed)
        elif self._orientation == Qt.Vertical:
            # Invert dimensions for paintEvent()
            self._widget_width = self.height()
            self._widget_height = self.width()
            self._painter_translation_y = self._widget_width
            self._painter_rotation = -90
            self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Expanding)

        if self._inverted_appearance:
            self._painter_translation_x = self._widget_width
            self._painter_scale_x = -1
            self._painter_translation_x = 0
            self._painter_scale_x = 1

        if self._flip_scale:
            self._flip_traslation_y = self._widget_height
            self._flip_scale_y = -1
            self._flip_traslation_y = 0
            self._flip_scale_y = 1

    def set_tick_pen(self) -> None:
        Define pen style for drawing scale tick marks.

    def draw_ticks(self) -> None:
        Draw tick marks on the scale.
        if not self._show_ticks:
        division_size = self._widget_width / self._num_divisions
        tick_y0 = self._widget_height
        tick_yf = int((1 - self._tick_size_rate) * self._widget_height)
        for i in range(self._num_divisions + 1):
            x = int(i * division_size)
            self._painter.drawLine(x, tick_y0, x, tick_yf)  # x1, y1, x2, y2

    def draw_bar(self) -> None:
        Draw a bar as indicator of current value.

        if self.position < 0 or self.position > self._widget_width:
        bar_width = self.position - self._origin_position
        bar_height = int(self._bg_size_rate * self._widget_height)
        self._painter.drawRect(self._origin_position, 0, bar_width, bar_height)

    def draw_pointer(self) -> None:
        Draw a pointer as indicator of current value.
        if self.position < 0 or self.position > self._widget_width:
        pointer_width = int(self._pointer_width_rate * self._widget_width)
        pointer_height = int(self._bg_size_rate * self._widget_height)
        points = [
            QPoint(self.position, 0),
            QPoint(self.position + pointer_width // 2, pointer_height // 2),
            QPoint(self.position, pointer_height),
            QPoint(self.position - pointer_width // 2, pointer_height // 2),

    def draw_indicator(self) -> None:
        Draw the selected indicator for current value.
        if self._barIndicator:

    def draw_background(self) -> None:
        Draw the background of the scale.
        bg_width = int(self._widget_width)
        bg_height = int(self._bg_size_rate * self._widget_height)
        self._painter.drawRect(0, 0, bg_width, bg_height)

    def paintEvent(self, event: QPaintEvent) -> None:
        Paint events are sent to widgets that need to update themselves,
        for instance when part of a widget is exposed because a covering
        widget was moved.

        event : QPaintEvent
        self._painter.translate(0, self._painter_translation_y)  # Draw vertically if needed
        self._painter.translate(self._painter_translation_x, 0)  # Invert appearance if needed
        self._painter.scale(self._painter_scale_x, 1)

        self._painter.translate(0, self._flip_traslation_y)  # Invert scale if needed
        self._painter.scale(1, self._flip_scale_y)




    def calculate_position_for_value(self, value: float) -> int:
        Calculate the position (pixel) in which the pointer should be drawn for a given value.
        if (
            value is None
            or value < self._lower_limit
            or value > self._upper_limit
            or self._upper_limit - self._lower_limit == 0
            proportion = -1  # Invalid
            proportion = (value - self._lower_limit) / (self._upper_limit - self._lower_limit)

        position = int(proportion * self._widget_width)
        return position

    def set_origin(self) -> None:
        Set the position (pixel) in which the origin should be drawn.
        if self._origin_at_zero:
            self._origin_position = self.calculate_position_for_value(0)
            self._origin_position = 0

    def set_position(self) -> None:
        Set the position (pixel) in which the pointer should be drawn.
        self.position = self.calculate_position_for_value(self._value)

    def update_indicator(self) -> None:
        Update the position and the drawing of indicator.

    def set_value(self, value: float) -> None:
        Set a new current value for the indicator.
        self._value = value

    def set_upper_limit(self, new_limit: float) -> None:
        Set the scale upper limit.

        new_limit : float
            The upper limit of the scale.
        self._upper_limit = new_limit

    def set_lower_limit(self, new_limit: float) -> None:
        Set the scale lower limit.

        new_limit : float
            The lower limit of the scale.
        self._lower_limit = new_limit

    def get_show_ticks(self) -> bool:
        return self._show_ticks

    def set_show_ticks(self, checked: bool) -> None:
        if self._show_ticks != bool(checked):
            self._show_ticks = checked

    def get_orientation(self) -> Qt.Orientation:
        return self._orientation

    def set_orientation(self, orientation: Qt.Orientation) -> None:
        self._orientation = orientation

    def get_flip_scale(self) -> bool:
        return self._flip_scale

    def set_flip_scale(self, checked: bool) -> None:
        self._flip_scale = bool(checked)

    def get_inverted_appearance(self) -> bool:
        return self._inverted_appearance

    def set_inverted_appearance(self, inverted: bool) -> None:
        self._inverted_appearance = inverted

    def get_bar_indicator(self) -> bool:
        return self._barIndicator

    def set_bar_indicator(self, checked: bool) -> None:
        if self._barIndicator != bool(checked):
            self._barIndicator = checked

    def get_background_color(self) -> QColor:
        return self._bg_color

    def set_background_color(self, color: QColor) -> None:
        self._bg_color = color

    def get_indicator_color(self) -> QColor:
        return self._indicator_color

    def set_indicator_color(self, color: QColor) -> None:
        self._indicator_color = color

    def get_tick_color(self) -> QColor:
        return self._tick_color

    def set_tick_color(self, color: QColor) -> None:
        self._tick_color = color

    def get_background_size_rate(self) -> float:
        return self._bg_size_rate

    def set_background_size_rate(self, rate: float) -> None:
        if rate >= 0 and rate <= 1 and self._bg_size_rate != rate:
            self._bg_size_rate = rate

    def get_tick_size_rate(self) -> float:
        return self._tick_size_rate

    def set_tick_size_rate(self, rate: float) -> None:
        if rate >= 0 and rate <= 1 and self._tick_size_rate != rate:
            self._tick_size_rate = rate

    def get_num_divisions(self) -> int:
        return self._num_divisions

    def set_num_divisions(self, divisions: int) -> None:
        if isinstance(divisions, int) and divisions > 0 and self._num_divisions != divisions:
            self._num_divisions = divisions

    def get_scale_height(self) -> int:
        return self._scale_height

    def set_scale_height(self, value: int) -> None:
        self._scale_height = int(value)

    def get_origin_at_zero(self) -> bool:
        return self._origin_at_zero

    def set_origin_at_zero(self, checked: bool) -> None:
        if self._origin_at_zero != bool(checked):
            self._origin_at_zero = checked

[docs]class PyDMScaleIndicator(QFrame, TextFormatter, PyDMWidget): """ A bar-shaped indicator for scalar value with support for Channels and more from PyDM. Configurable features include indicator type (bar/pointer), scale tick marks and orientation (horizontal/vertical). Parameters ---------- parent : QWidget The parent widget for the Scale init_channel : str, optional The channel to be used by the widget. """ def __init__(self, parent: Optional[QWidget] = None, init_channel: Optional[str] = None) -> None: QFrame.__init__(self, parent) PyDMWidget.__init__(self, init_channel=init_channel) self._show_value = True self._show_limits = True self.scale_indicator = QScale() self.value_label = QLabel() self.lower_label = QLabel() self.upper_label = QLabel() self.value_label.setText("<val>") self.lower_label.setText("<min>") self.upper_label.setText("<max>") self._value_position = Qt.TopEdge self._limits_from_channel = True self._user_lower_limit = 0 self._user_upper_limit = 0 self.value_label.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.setup_widgets_for_orientation(Qt.Horizontal, False, False, self._value_position)
[docs] def update_labels(self) -> None: """ Update the limits and value labels with the correct values. """ self.lower_label.setText(str(self.scale_indicator._lower_limit)) self.upper_label.setText(str(self.scale_indicator._upper_limit)) self.value_label.setText(self.format_string.format(self.scale_indicator._value))
[docs] def value_changed(self, new_value: float) -> None: """ Callback invoked when the Channel value is changed. Parameters ---------- new_value : int or float The new value from the channel. """ super(PyDMScaleIndicator, self).value_changed(new_value) self.scale_indicator.set_value(new_value) self.update_labels()
[docs] def upperCtrlLimitChanged(self, new_limit: float) -> None: """ PyQT Slot for changes on the upper control limit value of the Channel This slot sends the new limit value to the ```ctrl_limit_changed``` callback. Parameters ---------- new_limit : float """ super(PyDMScaleIndicator, self).upperCtrlLimitChanged(new_limit) if self.limitsFromChannel: self.scale_indicator.set_upper_limit(new_limit) self.update_labels()
[docs] def lowerCtrlLimitChanged(self, new_limit: float) -> None: """ PyQT Slot for changes on the lower control limit value of the Channel This slot sends the new limit value to the ```ctrl_limit_changed``` callback. Parameters ---------- new_limit : float """ super(PyDMScaleIndicator, self).lowerCtrlLimitChanged(new_limit) if self.limitsFromChannel: self.scale_indicator.set_lower_limit(new_limit) self.update_labels()
[docs] def setup_widgets_for_orientation( self, new_orientation: Qt.Orientation, flipped: bool, inverted: bool, value_position: Qt.Edge ) -> None: """ Reconstruct the widget given the orientation. Parameters ---------- new_orientation : int Qt.Horizontal or Qt.Vertical flipped : bool Indicates if scale tick marks are flipped to the other side inverted : bool Indicates if scale appearance is inverted """ self.limits_layout = None self.widget_layout = None if new_orientation == Qt.Horizontal: self.limits_layout = QHBoxLayout() if not inverted: self.limits_layout.addWidget(self.lower_label) self.limits_layout.addWidget(self.upper_label) else: self.limits_layout.addWidget(self.upper_label) self.limits_layout.addWidget(self.lower_label) self.widget_layout = QGridLayout() if not flipped: if value_position == Qt.LeftEdge: self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.value_label, 0, 0) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.scale_indicator, 0, 1) self.widget_layout.addItem(self.limits_layout, 1, 1) elif value_position == Qt.RightEdge: self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.value_label, 0, 1) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.scale_indicator, 0, 0) self.widget_layout.addItem(self.limits_layout, 1, 0) elif value_position == Qt.TopEdge: self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.value_label, 0, 0) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.scale_indicator, 1, 0) self.widget_layout.addItem(self.limits_layout, 2, 0) elif value_position == Qt.BottomEdge: self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.scale_indicator, 0, 0) self.widget_layout.addItem(self.limits_layout, 1, 0) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.value_label, 2, 0) if not inverted: self.lower_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignLeft) self.upper_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignRight) elif inverted: self.lower_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignRight) self.upper_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignLeft) else: if value_position == Qt.LeftEdge: self.widget_layout.addItem(self.limits_layout, 0, 1) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.scale_indicator, 1, 1) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.value_label, 1, 0) elif value_position == Qt.RightEdge: self.widget_layout.addItem(self.limits_layout, 0, 0) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.scale_indicator, 1, 0) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.value_label, 1, 1) elif value_position == Qt.TopEdge: self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.value_label, 0, 0) self.widget_layout.addItem(self.limits_layout, 1, 0) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.scale_indicator, 2, 0) elif value_position == Qt.BottomEdge: self.widget_layout.addItem(self.limits_layout, 0, 0) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.scale_indicator, 1, 0) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.value_label, 2, 0) if not inverted: self.lower_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignLeft) self.upper_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignRight) elif inverted: self.lower_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignRight) self.upper_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignLeft) elif new_orientation == Qt.Vertical: self.limits_layout = QVBoxLayout() if (value_position == Qt.RightEdge and not flipped) or (value_position == Qt.LeftEdge and flipped): add_value_between_limits = True else: add_value_between_limits = False if not inverted: self.limits_layout.addWidget(self.upper_label) if add_value_between_limits: self.limits_layout.addWidget(self.value_label) self.limits_layout.addWidget(self.lower_label) self.lower_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignBottom) self.upper_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop) else: self.limits_layout.addWidget(self.lower_label) if add_value_between_limits: self.limits_layout.addWidget(self.value_label) self.limits_layout.addWidget(self.upper_label) self.lower_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop) self.upper_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignBottom) self.widget_layout = QGridLayout() if not flipped: if value_position == Qt.LeftEdge: self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.value_label, 0, 0) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.scale_indicator, 0, 1) self.widget_layout.addItem(self.limits_layout, 0, 2) elif value_position == Qt.RightEdge: self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.scale_indicator, 0, 0) self.widget_layout.addItem(self.limits_layout, 0, 1) elif value_position == Qt.TopEdge: self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.value_label, 0, 0, 1, 2) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.scale_indicator, 1, 0) self.widget_layout.addItem(self.limits_layout, 1, 1) elif value_position == Qt.BottomEdge: self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.scale_indicator, 0, 0) self.widget_layout.addItem(self.limits_layout, 0, 1) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.value_label, 1, 0, 1, 2) if not inverted: self.lower_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignBottom) self.upper_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop) elif inverted: self.lower_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop) self.upper_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignBottom) else: if value_position == Qt.LeftEdge: self.widget_layout.addItem(self.limits_layout, 0, 1) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.scale_indicator, 0, 2) elif value_position == Qt.RightEdge: self.widget_layout.addItem(self.limits_layout, 0, 0) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.scale_indicator, 0, 1) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.value_label, 0, 2) elif value_position == Qt.TopEdge: self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.value_label, 0, 0, 1, 2) self.widget_layout.addItem(self.limits_layout, 1, 0) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.scale_indicator, 1, 1) elif value_position == Qt.BottomEdge: self.widget_layout.addItem(self.limits_layout, 0, 0) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.scale_indicator, 0, 1) self.widget_layout.addWidget(self.value_label, 1, 0, 1, 2) if not inverted: self.lower_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignBottom) self.upper_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop) elif inverted: self.lower_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop) self.upper_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignBottom) self.value_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) if self.layout() is not None: # Trick to remove the existing layout by re-parenting it in an empty widget. QWidget().setLayout(self.layout()) self.widget_layout.setContentsMargins(1, 1, 1, 1) self.setLayout(self.widget_layout)
@Property(bool) def showValue(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not the current value should be displayed on the scale. Returns ------- bool """ return self._show_value @showValue.setter def showValue(self, checked: bool) -> None: """ Whether or not the current value should be displayed on the scale. Parameters ---------- checked : bool """ if self._show_value != bool(checked): self._show_value = checked if checked: else: self.value_label.hide() @Property(bool) def showLimits(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not the high and low limits should be displayed on the scale. Returns ------- bool """ return self._show_limits @showLimits.setter def showLimits(self, checked: bool) -> None: """ Whether or not the high and low limits should be displayed on the scale. Parameters ---------- checked : bool """ if self._show_limits != bool(checked): self._show_limits = checked if checked: else: self.lower_label.hide() self.upper_label.hide() @Property(bool) def showTicks(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not the tick marks should be displayed on the scale. Returns ------- bool """ return self.scale_indicator.get_show_ticks() @showTicks.setter def showTicks(self, checked: bool) -> None: """ Whether or not the tick marks should be displayed on the scale. Parameters ---------- checked : bool """ self.scale_indicator.set_show_ticks(checked) @Property(Qt.Orientation) def orientation(self) -> Qt.Orientation: """ The scale orientation (Horizontal or Vertical) Returns ------- int Qt.Horizontal or Qt.Vertical """ return self.scale_indicator.get_orientation() @orientation.setter def orientation(self, orientation: Qt.Orientation) -> None: """ The scale orientation (Horizontal or Vertical) Parameters ---------- new_orientation : int Qt.Horizontal or Qt.Vertical """ self.scale_indicator.set_orientation(orientation) self.setup_widgets_for_orientation(orientation, self.flipScale, self.invertedAppearance, self._value_position) @Property(bool) def flipScale(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not the scale should be flipped. Returns ------- bool """ return self.scale_indicator.get_flip_scale() @flipScale.setter def flipScale(self, checked: bool) -> None: """ Whether or not the scale should be flipped. Parameters ---------- checked : bool """ self.scale_indicator.set_flip_scale(checked) self.setup_widgets_for_orientation(self.orientation, checked, self.invertedAppearance, self._value_position) @Property(bool) def invertedAppearance(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not the scale appearence should be inverted. Returns ------- bool """ return self.scale_indicator.get_inverted_appearance() @invertedAppearance.setter def invertedAppearance(self, inverted: bool) -> None: """ Whether or not the scale appearence should be inverted. Parameters ---------- inverted : bool """ self.scale_indicator.set_inverted_appearance(inverted) self.setup_widgets_for_orientation(self.orientation, self.flipScale, inverted, self._value_position) @Property(bool) def barIndicator(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not the scale indicator should be a bar instead of a pointer. Returns ------- bool """ return self.scale_indicator.get_bar_indicator() @barIndicator.setter def barIndicator(self, checked: bool) -> None: """ Whether or not the scale indicator should be a bar instead of a pointer. Parameters ---------- checked : bool """ self.scale_indicator.set_bar_indicator(checked) @Property(QColor) def backgroundColor(self) -> QColor: """ The color of the scale background. Returns ------- QColor """ return self.scale_indicator.get_background_color() @backgroundColor.setter def backgroundColor(self, color: QColor) -> None: """ The color of the scale background. Parameters ------- color : QColor """ self.scale_indicator.set_background_color(color) @Property(QColor) def indicatorColor(self) -> QColor: """ The color of the scale indicator. Returns ------- QColor """ return self.scale_indicator.get_indicator_color() @indicatorColor.setter def indicatorColor(self, color: QColor) -> None: """ The color of the scale indicator. Parameters ------- color : QColor """ self.scale_indicator.set_indicator_color(color) @Property(QColor) def tickColor(self) -> QColor: """ The color of the scale tick marks. Returns ------- QColor """ return self.scale_indicator.get_tick_color() @tickColor.setter def tickColor(self, color: QColor) -> None: """ The color of the scale tick marks. Parameters ------- color : QColor """ self.scale_indicator.set_tick_color(color) @Property(float) def backgroundSizeRate(self) -> float: """ The rate of background height size (from top to bottom). Returns ------- float """ return self.scale_indicator.get_background_size_rate() @backgroundSizeRate.setter def backgroundSizeRate(self, rate: float) -> None: """ The rate of background height size (from top to bottom). Parameters ------- rate : float Between 0 and 1. """ self.scale_indicator.set_background_size_rate(rate) @Property(float) def tickSizeRate(self) -> float: """ The rate of tick marks height size (from bottom to top). Returns ------- float """ return self.scale_indicator.get_tick_size_rate() @tickSizeRate.setter def tickSizeRate(self, rate: float) -> None: """ The rate of tick marks height size (from bottom to top). Parameters ------- rate : float Between 0 and 1. """ self.scale_indicator.set_tick_size_rate(rate) @Property(int) def numDivisions(self) -> int: """ The number in which the scale is divided. Returns ------- int """ return self.scale_indicator.get_num_divisions() @numDivisions.setter def numDivisions(self, divisions: int) -> None: """ The number in which the scale is divided. Parameters ------- divisions : int The number of scale divisions. """ self.scale_indicator.set_num_divisions(divisions) @Property(int) def scaleHeight(self) -> int: """ The scale height, fixed so it do not wiggle when value label resizes. Returns ------- int """ return self.scale_indicator.get_scale_height() @scaleHeight.setter def scaleHeight(self, value: int) -> None: """ The scale height, fixed so it do not wiggle when value label resizes. Parameters ------- divisions : int The scale height. """ self.scale_indicator.set_scale_height(value) @Property(Qt.Edge) def valuePosition(self) -> Qt.Edge: """ The position of the value label (Top, Bottom, Left or Right). Returns ------- int Qt.TopEdge, Qt.BottomEdge, Qt.LeftEdge or Qt.RightEdge """ return self._value_position @valuePosition.setter def valuePosition(self, position: Qt.Edge) -> None: """ The position of the value label (Top, Bottom, Left or Right). Parameters ---------- position : int Qt.TopEdge, Qt.BottomEdge, Qt.LeftEdge or Qt.RightEdge """ self._value_position = position self.setup_widgets_for_orientation(self.orientation, self.flipScale, self.invertedAppearance, position) @Property(bool) def originAtZero(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not the scale indicator should start at zero value. Applies only for bar indicator. Returns ------- bool """ return self.scale_indicator.get_origin_at_zero() @originAtZero.setter def originAtZero(self, checked: bool) -> None: """ Whether or not the scale indicator should start at zero value. Applies only for bar indicator. Parameters ---------- checked : bool """ self.scale_indicator.set_origin_at_zero(checked) @Property(bool) def limitsFromChannel(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not the scale indicator should use the limits information from the channel. Returns ------- bool """ return self._limits_from_channel @limitsFromChannel.setter def limitsFromChannel(self, checked: bool) -> None: """ Whether or not the scale indicator should use the limits information from the channel. Parameters ---------- checked : bool True to use the limits from the Channel, False to use the user-defined values. """ if self._limits_from_channel != checked: self._limits_from_channel = checked if checked: if self._lower_ctrl_limit: self.scale_indicator.set_lower_limit(self._lower_ctrl_limit) if self._upper_ctrl_limit: self.scale_indicator.set_upper_limit(self._upper_ctrl_limit) else: self.scale_indicator.set_lower_limit(self._user_lower_limit) self.scale_indicator.set_upper_limit(self._user_upper_limit) self.update_labels() @Property(float) def userLowerLimit(self) -> float: """ The user-defined lower limit for the scale. Returns ------- float """ return self._user_lower_limit @userLowerLimit.setter def userLowerLimit(self, value: float) -> None: """ The user-defined lower limit for the scale. Parameters ---------- value : float The new lower limit value. """ if self._limits_from_channel: return self._user_lower_limit = value self.scale_indicator.set_lower_limit(self._user_lower_limit) self.update_labels() @Property(float) def userUpperLimit(self) -> float: """ The user-defined upper limit for the scale. Returns ------- float """ return self._user_upper_limit @userUpperLimit.setter def userUpperLimit(self, value: float) -> None: """ The user-defined upper limit for the scale. Parameters ---------- value : float The new upper limit value. """ if self._limits_from_channel: return self._user_upper_limit = value self.scale_indicator.set_upper_limit(self._user_upper_limit) self.update_labels()