Source code for pydm.widgets.embedded_display

from pyqtgraph.GraphicsScene.mouseEvents import MouseClickEvent
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QAction, QFrame, QApplication, QLabel, QMenu, QVBoxLayout
from qtpy.QtCore import QPoint, Qt, QSize, Property, QTimer

import copy
import os.path
import logging
from .base import PyDMPrimitiveWidget
from .baseplot import BasePlot
from ..utilities import (
from ..display import load_file, ScreenTarget

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_embeddedDisplayRuleProperties = {"Filename": ["filename", str]}

[docs]class PyDMEmbeddedDisplay(QFrame, PyDMPrimitiveWidget, new_properties=_embeddedDisplayRuleProperties): """ A QFrame capable of rendering a PyDM Display Parameters ---------- parent : QWidget The parent widget for the Label """ def __init__(self, parent=None): QFrame.__init__(self, parent) PyDMPrimitiveWidget.__init__(self) = QApplication.instance() self._filename = None self._macros = None self._embedded_widget = None self._disconnect_when_hidden = True self._is_connected = False self._only_load_when_shown = True self._needs_load = True self._load_error_timer = None self._load_error = None self._follow_symlinks = False self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.show_context_menu) self.open_in_new_window_action = QAction("Open in New Window", self) self.open_in_new_window_action.triggered.connect(self.open_display_in_new_window) self.layout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.err_label = QLabel(self) self.err_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter) self.layout.addWidget(self.err_label) self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.err_label.hide() def init_for_designer(self): self.setFrameShape(QFrame.Box)
[docs] def sizePolicy(self): """ This holds the sizePolicy for the widget. Returns ------- QSize """ if self._embedded_widget is not None: return self._embedded_widget.sizePolicy() return super().sizePolicy()
[docs] def sizeHint(self): """ This holds the recommended size for the widget. Returns ------- QSize """ if self._embedded_widget is not None: return self._embedded_widget.sizeHint() return QSize(100, 100)
[docs] def minimumSizeHint(self): """ This holds the recommended minimum size for the widget. Returns ------- QSize """ if self._embedded_widget is not None: return self._embedded_widget.minimumSizeHint() # This is totally arbitrary, I just want *some* visible nonzero size return QSize(100, 100)
@Property(str) def macros(self): """ JSON-formatted string containing macro variables to pass to the embedded file. Returns ------- str """ if self._macros is None: return "" return self._macros @macros.setter def macros(self, new_macros): """ JSON-formatted string containing macro variables to pass to the embedded file. .. warning:: If the macros property is not defined before the filename property, The widget will not have any macros defined when it loads the embedded file. This behavior will be fixed soon. Parameters ---------- new_macros : str """ new_macros = str(new_macros) if new_macros != self._macros: self._macros = new_macros self._needs_load = True self.load_if_needed() @Property(str) def filename(self): """ Filename of the display to embed. Returns ------- str """ if self._filename is None: return "" return self._filename @filename.setter def filename(self, filename): """ Filename of the display to embed. Parameters ---------- filename : str """ filename = str(filename) if filename != self._filename: self._filename = filename self._needs_load = True if is_qt_designer(): if self._load_error_timer: # Kill the timer here. If new filename still causes the problem, it will be restarted self._load_error_timer.stop() self._load_error_timer = None self.clear_error_text() self.load_if_needed()
[docs] def set_macros_and_filename(self, new_filename, new_macros): """ A method to change both macros and the filename of an embedded display. the method takes in a Filename of the display to embed and a JSON-formatted string containing macro variables to pass to the embedded file. Parameters ---------- new_macros : str new_filename : str """ new_macros = str(new_macros) if new_macros != self._macros: self._macros = new_macros self._needs_load = True self.filename = new_filename
[docs] def parsed_macros(self): """ Dictionary containing the key value pair for each macro specified. Returns -------- dict """ parent_display = self.find_parent_display() parent_macros = {} if parent_display: parent_macros = copy.copy(parent_display.macros()) widget_macros = macro.parse_macro_string(self.macros) parent_macros.update(widget_macros) return parent_macros
def load_if_needed(self): if self._needs_load and (not self._only_load_when_shown or self.isVisible() or is_qt_designer()): self.embedded_widget = self.open_file()
[docs] def open_file(self, force=False): """ Opens the widget specified in the widget's filename property. Returns ------- display : QWidget """ if (not force) and (not self._needs_load): return if not self.filename: return try: parent_display = self.find_parent_display() base_path = "" if parent_display: parent_file_path = parent_display.loaded_file() if self._follow_symlinks: parent_file_path = os.path.realpath(parent_file_path) base_path = os.path.dirname(parent_file_path) fname = find_file(self.filename, base_path=base_path, raise_if_not_found=True) w = load_file(fname, macros=self.parsed_macros(), target=None) self._needs_load = False self.clear_error_text() return w except Exception as e: self._load_error = e if self._load_error_timer: self._load_error_timer.stop() self._load_error_timer = QTimer(self) self._load_error_timer.setSingleShot(True) self._load_error_timer.setTimerType(Qt.VeryCoarseTimer) self._load_error_timer.timeout.connect(self._display_designer_load_error) self._load_error_timer.start(1000) return None
def clear_error_text(self): if self._load_error_timer: self._load_error_timer.stop() self.err_label.clear() self.err_label.hide() def display_error_text(self, e): self.err_label.setText("Could not open {filename}.\nError: {err}".format(filename=self._filename, err=e)) @property def embedded_widget(self): """ The embedded widget being displayed. Returns ------- QWidget """ return self._embedded_widget @embedded_widget.setter def embedded_widget(self, new_widget): """ Defines the embedded widget to display inside the QFrame Parameters ---------- new_widget : QWidget """ if new_widget is self._embedded_widget: return if self._embedded_widget is not None: self.layout.removeWidget(self._embedded_widget) self._embedded_widget.deleteLater() self._embedded_widget = None if new_widget is not None: self._embedded_widget = new_widget self._embedded_widget.setParent(self) self.layout.addWidget(self._embedded_widget) self.err_label.hide() self._is_connected = True
[docs] def connect(self): """ Establish the connection between the embedded widget and the channels associated with it. """ if self._is_connected or self.embedded_widget is None: return establish_widget_connections(self.embedded_widget) self._is_connected = True
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Disconnects the embedded widget from the channels associated with it. """ if not self._is_connected or self.embedded_widget is None: return close_widget_connections(self.embedded_widget) self._is_connected = False
@Property(bool) def loadWhenShown(self): """ If True, only load and display the file once the PyDMEmbeddedDisplayWidget is visible on screen. This is very useful if you have many different PyDMEmbeddedWidgets in different tabs of a QTabBar or PyDMTabBar: only the tab that the user is looking at will be loaded, which can greatly speed up the launch time of a display. If this property is changed from 'True' to 'False', and the file has not been loaded yet, it will be loaded immediately. Returns ------- bool """ return self._only_load_when_shown @loadWhenShown.setter def loadWhenShown(self, val): self._only_load_when_shown = val self.load_if_needed() @Property(bool) def disconnectWhenHidden(self): """ Disconnect from PVs when this widget is not visible. Returns ------- bool """ return self._disconnect_when_hidden @disconnectWhenHidden.setter def disconnectWhenHidden(self, disconnect_when_hidden): """ Disconnect from PVs when this widget is not visible. Parameters ---------- disconnect_when_hidden : bool """ self._disconnect_when_hidden = disconnect_when_hidden @Property(bool) def followSymlinks(self) -> bool: """ If True, any symlinks in the path to filename (including the base path of the parent display) will be followed, so that it will always use the canonical path. If False (default), the file will be searched without canonicalizing the path beforehand. Note that it will not work on Windows if you're using a Python version prior to 3.8. Returns ------- bool """ return self._follow_symlinks @followSymlinks.setter def followSymlinks(self, follow_symlinks: bool) -> None: """ If True, any symlinks in the path to filename (including the base path of the parent display) will be followed, so that it will always use the canonical path. If False (default), the file will be searched using the non-canonical path. Note that it will not work on Windows if you're using a Python version prior to 3.8. Parameters ---------- follow_symlinks : bool """ self._follow_symlinks = follow_symlinks
[docs] def showEvent(self, e): """ Show events are sent to widgets that become visible on the screen. Parameters ---------- event : QShowEvent """ if self._only_load_when_shown: w = self.open_file() if w: self.embedded_widget = w if self.disconnectWhenHidden: self.connect()
[docs] def hideEvent(self, e): """ Hide events are sent to widgets that become invisible on the screen. Parameters ---------- event : QHideEvent """ if self.disconnectWhenHidden: self.disconnect()
def _display_designer_load_error(self): self._load_error_timer = None logger.exception("Exception while opening embedded display file.", exc_info=self._load_error) if self._load_error: self.display_error_text(self._load_error)
[docs] def open_display_in_new_window(self) -> None: """Open the embedded display in a new window""" if not self.filename: return file_path = find_file(self.filename, base_path="", raise_if_not_found=True) macros = self.parsed_macros() if is_pydm_app(): load_file(file_path, macros=macros) else: load_file(file_path, macros=macros, target=ScreenTarget.DIALOG)
[docs] def create_context_menu(self, pos: QPoint) -> QMenu: """Create the right-click context menu for this embedded widget based on the location of the mouse click""" if self._embedded_widget is None: return menu = None # Plot widgets use their own custom event handling, so we check to see if they were # clicked on here. If so, just re-use the context menu they already have built. (Not # specifically checking for these would clobber their context menus) plot_widgets = self.findChildren(BasePlot) for plot in plot_widgets: try: if plot.geometry().contains(pos): menu = plot.getViewBox().getMenu(None) if menu is not None: # Need to add sub-menus still # Mock up an event that the pyqtgraph api requires. Just want to create it without any # initialization of attributes (would require more unnecessary object creations) accept_event = object.__new__(MouseClickEvent) accept_event.accepted = True accept_event.acceptedItem = plot.getViewBox() menu = plot.getViewBox().scene().addParentContextMenus(plot.getViewBox(), menu, accept_event) except AttributeError: pass # Otherwise check if a menu already exists, and create a new one if not if menu is None: try: menu = self._embedded_widget.context_menu() except AttributeError: menu = QMenu(self) if len(menu.findChildren(QAction)) > 0: menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction(self.open_in_new_window_action) return menu
[docs] def show_context_menu(self, pos: QPoint) -> None: """Display the right-click context menu for this embedded widget at the location of the mouse click""" menu = self.create_context_menu(pos) if menu is not None: menu.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(pos))