Source code for pydm.widgets.display_format

import math
import numpy as np
from typing import Any

import logging
import warnings

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DisplayFormat(object): """Display format for showing data in a PyDM widget.""" #: The default display format. Default = 0 #: Show the data as a string. String = 1 #: Show numerical values as floating point (base 10, decimal) values. Decimal = 2 #: Show numerical values in scientific / exponential notation. Exponential = 3 #: Show numerical values in base 16 (hexadecimal) notation. Hex = 4 #: Show numerical values in base 2 (binary) notation. Binary = 5
[docs]def parse_value_for_display( value: Any, precision: int, display_format_type: int = DisplayFormat.Default, string_encoding: str = "utf_8", widget=None, ): """ Format a value to show it in a widget, based on the display format type. Parameters ---------- value : Any The value to convert to a string. precision : int Precision of floating point values to use. display_format_type : int, optional Display format type to use. string_encoding : str, optional Encoding to use for strings. widget : QtWidgets.QWidget, optional Widget to get a name from for conversion errors. Returns ------- str Formatted version of ``value``. """ if value is None: return "" try: widget_name = widget.objectName() except (AttributeError, TypeError): widget_name = "" if display_format_type == DisplayFormat.Default: return value elif display_format_type == DisplayFormat.String: if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): try: # Stop at the first zero (EPICS convention) # Assume the ndarray is one-dimensional with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") zeros = np.where(value == 0)[0] if zeros.size > 0: value = value[: zeros[0]] r = value.tobytes().decode(string_encoding) except Exception: logger.error( "Could not decode {0} using {1} at widget named '{2}'.".format(value, string_encoding, widget_name) ) return value return r else: return value elif display_format_type == DisplayFormat.Decimal: # This case is taken care by the current string formatting # routine return value elif display_format_type == DisplayFormat.Exponential: fmt_string = "{" + ":.{}e".format(precision) + "}" try: r = fmt_string.format(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): logger.error( "Could not display value '{0}' using displayFormat 'Exponential' at widget named " "'{1}'.".format(value, widget_name) ) r = value return r elif display_format_type == DisplayFormat.Hex: try: r = hex(int(math.floor(value))) except (ValueError, TypeError): logger.error( "Could not display value '{0}' using displayFormat 'Hex' at widget named " "'{1}'.".format(value, widget_name) ) r = value return r elif display_format_type == DisplayFormat.Binary: try: r = bin(int(math.floor(value))) except (ValueError, TypeError): logger.error( "Could not display value '{0}' using displayFormat 'Binary' at widget named " "'{1}'.".format(value, widget_name) ) r = value return r