Source code for pydm.widgets.base

import enum
import os
import re
import platform
import weakref
import logging
import functools
import json
import copy
import numpy as np
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMenu, QGraphicsOpacityEffect, QToolTip, QWidget
from qtpy.QtGui import QCursor, QIcon
from qtpy.QtCore import Qt, QEvent, Signal, Slot, Property
from .channel import PyDMChannel
from .. import data_plugins, tools, config
from ..utilities import is_qt_designer, remove_protocol
from ..display import Display
from .rules import RulesDispatcher
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional

    from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
except ImportError:
    JSONDecodeError = ValueError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    str_types = (str, unicode)
except NameError:
    str_types = (str,)

def get_icon_file(name: str) -> str:
    Returns the absolute path to the icon filename provided.

    name : str
        The filename of the icon, relative to ``pydm.icons``.

        The absolute path to the icon file.
    base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    icon_path = os.path.join(base_path, "icons", name)
    return icon_path

def is_channel_valid(channel):
    Verify if a channel string is valid.
    For now a valid channel is a channel in which:
    - It is not None
    - It is not an empty string

    channel : str
        The channel value

    valid : bool
        Returns True if the channel is valid, False otherwise.
    return channel is not None and channel != ""

def only_if_channel_set(fcn):
    """Decorator to avoid executing a method if a channel is not valid or configured."""

    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if is_channel_valid(self._channel):
            return fcn(self, *args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

def widget_destroyed(channels, widget):
    Callback invoked when the Widget is destroyed.
    This method is used to ensure that the channels are disconnected.

    channels : list
        A list of PyDMChannel objects that this widget uses.
    widget : weakref
        Weakref to the widget.
    chs = channels()
    if chs:
        for ch in chs:
            if ch:


def refresh_style(widget):
    Method that traverse the widget tree starting at `widget` and refresh the
    style for this widget and its childs.

    widget : QWidget
    widgets = [widget]

    except Exception:
        # If we fail it means that widget is probably destroyed
    for child_widget in widgets:
        except Exception as ex:
            # Widget was probably destroyed
            logger.debug("Error while refreshing stylesheet. %s ", ex)

class PyDMPrimitiveWidget(object):
    Primitive class that determines that a given widget is a PyDMWidget.
    All Widget classes from PyDMWidget will be True for
    isinstance(obj, PyDMPrimitiveWidget)

        "Enable": ["setEnabled", bool],
        "Visible": ["setVisible", bool],
        "Opacity": ["set_opacity", float],

    def __init__(self, **kwargs): = QApplication.instance()
        self._rules = None
        self._opacity = 1.0
        if not is_qt_designer():
            # We should  install the Event Filter only if we are running
            # and not at the Designer

    def __init_subclass__(cls, new_properties={}):
        Adds or redefines rule-triggered property configuration for derivative

        new_properties: dict
            A dictionary containing the properties that can be modified
            through rule triggers. The format of this dictionary must
            follow the one for entries in PyDMPrimitiveWidget.RULE_PROPERTIES.
            Namely, the key should be a name to be displayed by the Rule
            Editor (in designer), and the value a list containing two elements:
            a string naming the method in the class that will handle the
            rule dispatch, and a type matching the one that we expect to
            receive from the PV value.
        if new_properties:
            cls.RULE_PROPERTIES = cls.RULE_PROPERTIES.copy()

    def get_designer_icon():
        """Icon for usage in Qt designer."""
        return QIcon()

    def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
        EventFilter to redirect "middle click" to :meth:`.show_address_tooltip`
        # Override the eventFilter to capture all middle mouse button events,
        # and show a tooltip if needed.
        if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonPress:
            if event.button() == Qt.MiddleButton:
                return True
        return False

    def show_address_tooltip(self, event):
        Show the PyDMTooltip and copy address to clipboard

        This is intended to replicate the behavior of the "middle click" from
        EDM. If the QWidget does not have a valid PyDMChannel nothing will be
        channels_method = getattr(self, "channels", None)
        if channels_method is None:
        channels = channels_method()
        if not channels:
            logger.debug("Widget has no channels to display tooltip")

        addrs = []
        no_proto_addrs = []
        for ch in channels:
            addr = ch.address
            if not addr:

        tooltip = os.linesep.join(addrs)
        clipboard_text = " ".join(no_proto_addrs)
        QToolTip.showText(event.globalPos(), tooltip)
        # If the address has a protocol, strip it out before putting it on the
        # clipboard.

        clipboard = QApplication.clipboard()

        mode = clipboard.Clipboard
        if platform.system() == "Linux":
            # Mode Selection is only valid for X11.
            mode = clipboard.Selection

        clipboard.setText(clipboard_text, mode=mode)
        event = QEvent(QEvent.Clipboard), event)

    def opacity(self):
        Float value between 0 and 1 representing the opacity of the widget
        where 0 means transparent.

        opacity : float
        return self._opacity

    def set_opacity(self, val):
        Float value between 0 and 1 representing the opacity of the widget
        where 0 means transparent.

        val : float
            The new value for the opacity
        op = QGraphicsOpacityEffect(self)
        if val > 1:
            val = 1
        elif val < 0:
            val = 0
        self._opacity = val
        op.setOpacity(val)  # 0 to 1 will cause the fade effect to kick in

    def rule_evaluated(self, payload):
        Callback called when a rule has a new value for a property.

        payload : dict
            Dictionary containing the rule name, the property to be set and the
            new value.

        name = payload.get("name", "")
        prop = payload.get("property", "")
        value = payload.get("value", None)

        if prop not in self.RULE_PROPERTIES:
            logger.error("Error at Rule: %s. %s is not part of this widget properties.", name, prop)

        method_name, data_type = self.RULE_PROPERTIES[prop]
            if data_type == bool and isinstance(value, str_types):
                # We do this as we already import json and for Python:
                # bool("False") -> True
                val = json.loads(value.lower())
                val = data_type(value)

            method = getattr(self, method_name)
            if callable(method):
                setattr(self, method_name, val)

        except Exception:
                "Error at Rule: %s. Could not execute method %s with " "value %s and type as %s.",

    @Property(str, designable=False)
    def rules(self):
        JSON-formatted list of dictionaries, with rules for the widget.

        return self._rules

    def rules(self, new_rules):
        JSON-formatted list of dictionaries, with rules for the widget.

        new_rules : str

        if new_rules != self._rules:
            self._rules = new_rules
                rules_list = json.loads(self._rules)
                if rules_list:
                    RulesDispatcher().register(self, rules_list)
            except JSONDecodeError:
                logger.exception("Invalid format for Rules")

    def find_parent_display(self):
        widget = self.parent()
        while widget is not None:
            if isinstance(widget, Display):
                return widget
            widget = widget.parent()
        return None

class AlarmLimit(str, enum.Enum):
    """An enum for holding values corresponding to the EPICS alarm limits"""

    HIHI = "HIHI"
    HIGH = "HIGH"
    LOW = "LOW"
    LOLO = "LOLO"

class TextFormatter(object):
    default_precision_from_pv = True

    def __init__(self):
        self._show_units = False
        self.format_string = "{}"
        self._precision_from_pv = None
        self._user_prec = 0
        self._prec = 0
        self._unit = ""

    def update_format_string(self):
        Reconstruct the format string to be used when representing the
        output value.

        format_string : str
            The format string to be used including or not the precision
            and unit
        self.format_string = "{}"
        if isinstance(self.value, (int, float)):
            self.format_string = "{:." + str(self.precision) + "f}"
        if self._show_units and self._unit != "":
            self.format_string += " {}".format(self._unit)
        return self.format_string

    def precision_changed(self, new_precision):
        Callback invoked when the Channel has new precision value.
        This callback also triggers an update_format_string call so the
        new precision value is considered.

        new_precison : int or float
            The new precision value
        if self.precisionFromPV and new_precision != self._prec:
            self._prec = new_precision
            if self.value is not None:

    def precisionChanged(self, new_prec):
        PyQT Slot for changes on the precision of the Channel
        This slot sends the new precision value to the
        ```precision_changed``` callback.

        new_prec : int or float

    def precision(self):
        The precision to be used when formatting the output of the PV

        prec : int
            The current precision value
        if self.precisionFromPV:
            return self._prec
        return self._user_prec

    def precision(self, new_prec):
        The precision to be used when formatting the output of the PV.
        This has no effect when ```precisionFromPV``` is True.

        new_prec : int
            The new precision value to use
        # Only allow one to change the property if not getting the precision
        # from the PV
        if self._precision_from_pv is not None and self._precision_from_pv:
        if new_prec and self._user_prec != int(new_prec) and new_prec >= 0:
            self._user_prec = int(new_prec)
            if not is_qt_designer() or config.DESIGNER_ONLINE:

    def unitChanged(self, new_unit):
        PyQT Slot for changes on the unit of the Channel
        This slot sends the new unit string to the
        ```unit_changed``` callback.

        new_unit : str

    def unit_changed(self, new_unit):
        Callback invoked when the Channel has new unit value.
        This callback also triggers an update_format_string call so the
        new unit value is considered if ```showUnits``` is set.

        new_unit : str
            The new unit
        if self._unit != new_unit:
            self._unit = new_unit
            if self.value is not None:

    def showUnits(self):
        A choice whether or not to show the units given by the channel

        If set to True, the units given in the channel will be displayed
        with the value. If using an EPICS channel, this will automatically
        be linked to the EGU field of the PV.

        show_units : bool
            True means that the unit will be appended to the output value
            format string
        return self._show_units

    def showUnits(self, show_units):
        A choice whether or not to show the units given by the channel

        If set to True, the units given in the channel will be displayed
        with the value. If using an EPICS channel, this will automatically
        be linked to the EGU field of the PV.

        show_units : bool
            True means that the unit will be appended to the output value
            format string
        if self._show_units != show_units:
            self._show_units = show_units

    def precisionFromPV(self):
        A choice whether or not to use the precision given by channel.

        If set to False, the value received will be displayed as is, with
        no modification to the number of displayed significant figures.
        However, if set to True, and the channel specifies a display
        precision, a float or integer channel value will be set to display
        the correct precision. When using an EPICS Channel, the precision
        value corresponds to the PV's PREC field.

        It is also important to note, that if the value of the channel
        is a String, the choice of True or False will have no affect on
        the display.

        precison_from_pv : bool
            True means that the widget will use the precision information
            from the Channel if available.
        return self._precision_from_pv if self._precision_from_pv is not None else self.default_precision_from_pv

    def precisionFromPV(self, value):
        A choice whether or not to use the precision given by channel.

        If set to False, the value received will be displayed as is, with
        no modification to the number of displayed significant figures.
        However, if set to True, and the channel specifies a display
        precision, a float or integer channel value will be set to
        display the correct precision. When using an EPICS Channel, the
        precision value corresponds to the PV's PREC field.

        It is also important to note, that if the value of the channel is
        a String, the choice of True or False will have no affect on the

        value : bool
            True means that the widget will use the precision information
            from the PV if available.
        if self._precision_from_pv is None or self._precision_from_pv != bool(value):
            self._precision_from_pv = value

    def value_changed(self, new_val):
        Callback invoked when the Channel value is changed.

        new_val : str, int, float, bool or np.ndarray
            The new value from the channel. The type depends on the channel.
        super(TextFormatter, self).value_changed(new_val)

_positionRuleProperties = {"Position - X": ["setX", int], "Position - Y": ["setY", int]}

[docs]class PyDMWidget(PyDMPrimitiveWidget, new_properties=_positionRuleProperties): """ PyDM base class for Read-Only widgets. This class implements all the functions of connection, alarm handling and more. Parameters ---------- init_channel : str, optional The channel to be used by the widget. """ # Alarm types ALARM_NONE = 0 ALARM_MINOR = 1 ALARM_MAJOR = 2 ALARM_INVALID = 3 ALARM_DISCONNECTED = 4 def __init__(self, init_channel=None): super(PyDMWidget, self).__init__() self._connected = True self._channel = None self._channels = list() self._show_units = False self._alarm_sensitive_content = False self._alarm_sensitive_border = True self._alarm_state = self.ALARM_NONE self._tooltip = None self._upper_ctrl_limit = None self._lower_ctrl_limit = None self.upper_alarm_limit = None self.lower_alarm_limit = None self.upper_warning_limit = None self.lower_warning_limit = None self.enum_strings = None self.timestamp = None self.value = None self.channeltype = None self.subtype = None self._pydm_tool_tip = "" self._tool_tip_substrings = [] self._tool_tip_channel_table = { "address": "_channel", "connection": "_connected", "SEVR": "_alarm_state", "enum_strings": "enum_strings", "EGU": "_unit", "PREC": "_prec", "DRVH": "_upper_ctrl_limit", "DRVL": "_lower_ctrl_limit", "HIHI": "upper_alarm_limit", "LOLO": "lower_alarm_limit", "HIGH": "upper_warning_limit", "LOW": "lower_warning_limit", "TIME": "timestamp", } # If this label is inside a PyDMApplication (not Designer) start it in # the disconnected state. self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.DefaultContextMenu) self.contextMenuEvent = self.open_context_menu = init_channel if not is_qt_designer(): self._connected = False self.alarmSeverityChanged(self.ALARM_DISCONNECTED) self.check_enable_state() self.destroyed.connect(functools.partial(widget_destroyed, self.channels, weakref.ref(self)))
[docs] def widget_ctx_menu(self): """ Fetch the Widget specific context menu which will be populated with additional tools by `assemble_tools_menu`. Returns ------- QMenu or None If the return of this method is None a new QMenu will be created by `assemble_tools_menu`. """ return None
[docs] def generate_context_menu(self): """ Generates the custom context menu, and populates it with any external tools that have been loaded. PyDMWidget subclasses should override this method (after calling superclass implementation) to add the menu. Returns ------- QMenu """ menu = self.widget_ctx_menu() if menu is None: menu = QMenu(parent=self) kwargs = {"channels": self.channels_for_tools(), "sender": self} tools.assemble_tools_menu(menu, widget_only=True, widget=self, **kwargs) # Add a view help action if the parent display has an associated help file parent_display = self.find_parent_display() if parent_display is not None and parent_display.help_window is not None: if len(menu.actions()) > 0: menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction("View Help for this Display", parent_display.show_help) return menu
[docs] def open_context_menu(self, ev): """ Handler for when the Default Context Menu is requested. Parameters ---------- ev : QEvent """ menu = self.generate_context_menu() menu.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(ev.pos())) del menu
[docs] def init_for_designer(self): """ Method called after the constructor to tweak configurations for when using the widget with the Qt Designer """ self._connected = True
[docs] def connection_changed(self, connected): """ Callback invoked when the connection state of the Channel is changed. This callback acts on the connection state to enable/disable the widget and also trigger the change on alarm severity to ALARM_DISCONNECTED. Parameters ---------- connected : int When this value is 0 the channel is disconnected, 1 otherwise. """ self._connected = connected self.check_enable_state() if not connected: self.alarmSeverityChanged(self.ALARM_DISCONNECTED) else: self.alarmSeverityChanged(self.ALARM_NONE)
[docs] def value_changed(self, new_val): """ Callback invoked when the Channel value is changed. Parameters ---------- new_val : str, int, float, bool or np.ndarray The new value from the channel. The type depends on the channel. """ self.value = new_val self.channeltype = type(self.value) if self.channeltype == np.ndarray: self.subtype = self.value.dtype.type else: try: if self.channeltype == unicode: # For Python 2.7, set the the channel type to str instead of unicode self.channeltype = str except NameError: pass
@Property(int, designable=False) def alarmSeverity(self): return self._alarm_state @alarmSeverity.setter def alarmSeverity(self, new_severity): if self._alarm_state != new_severity: self._alarm_state = new_severity
[docs] def alarm_severity_changed(self, new_alarm_severity): """ Callback invoked when the Channel alarm severity is changed. This callback is not processed if the widget has no channel associated with it. This callback handles the composition of the stylesheet to be applied and the call to update to redraw the widget with the needed changes for the new state. Parameters ---------- new_alarm_severity : int The new severity where 0 = NO_ALARM, 1 = MINOR, 2 = MAJOR and 3 = INVALID """ # 0 = NO_ALARM, 1 = MINOR, 2 = MAJOR, 3 = INVALID if new_alarm_severity == self._alarm_state: return if not self._channel: self._alarm_state = PyDMWidget.ALARM_NONE else: self._alarm_state = new_alarm_severity refresh_style(self)
[docs] def enum_strings_changed(self, new_enum_strings): """ Callback invoked when the Channel has new enum values. This callback also triggers a value_changed call so the new enum values to be broadcasted Parameters ---------- new_enum_strings : tuple The new list of values """ if new_enum_strings != self.enum_strings: self.enum_strings = new_enum_strings self.value_changed(self.value)
[docs] def timestamp_changed(self, new_timestamp): """ Callback invoked when the Channel has new timestamp values. Parameters ---------- new_timestamp : float The new timestamp value """ if new_timestamp != self.timestamp: self.timestamp = new_timestamp
def get_address(self): if not len(self._channels): logger.warning("Object %r has no PyDM Channels", self) return return self.channels()[0].address
[docs] def ctrl_limit_changed(self, which, new_limit): """ Callback invoked when the Channel receives new control limit values. Parameters ---------- which : str Which control limit was changed. "UPPER" or "LOWER" new_limit : float New value for the control limit """ if which == "UPPER": self._upper_ctrl_limit = new_limit else: self._lower_ctrl_limit = new_limit
[docs] def alarm_limit_changed(self, which: AlarmLimit, new_limit: float) -> None: """ Callback invoked when the channel receives new alarm limit values. Parameters ---------- which : AlarmLimit Which alarm limit was changed. "HIHI", "HIGH", "LOW", "LOLO" new_limit : float New value for the alarm limit """ if which is AlarmLimit.HIHI: self.upper_alarm_limit = new_limit elif which is AlarmLimit.HIGH: self.upper_warning_limit = new_limit elif which is AlarmLimit.LOW: self.lower_warning_limit = new_limit elif which is AlarmLimit.LOLO: self.lower_alarm_limit = new_limit
[docs] @Slot(bool) def connectionStateChanged(self, connected): """ PyQT Slot for changes on the Connection State of the Channel This slot sends the connection state to the ```connection_changed``` callback. Parameters ---------- connected : bool """ # false = disconnected, true = connected self.connection_changed(connected)
[docs] @Slot(int) @Slot(float) @Slot(str) @Slot(bool) @Slot(np.ndarray) def channelValueChanged(self, new_val): """ PyQT Slot for changes on the Value of the Channel This slot sends the value to the ```value_changed``` callback. Parameters ---------- new_val : int, float, str, bool or np.ndarray """ self.value_changed(new_val)
[docs] @Slot(int) def alarmSeverityChanged(self, new_alarm_severity): """ PyQT Slot for changes on the Alarm Severity of the Channel This slot sends the severity value to the ```alarm_severity_changed``` callback. Parameters ---------- new_alarm_severity : int """ self.alarm_severity_changed(new_alarm_severity)
[docs] @Slot(tuple) def enumStringsChanged(self, new_enum_strings): """ PyQT Slot for changes on the string values of the Channel This slot sends the new strings to the ```enum_strings_changed``` callback. Parameters ---------- new_enum_strings : tuple """ self.enum_strings_changed(new_enum_strings)
[docs] @Slot(int) @Slot(float) def upperCtrlLimitChanged(self, new_limit): """ PyQT Slot for changes on the upper control limit value of the Channel This slot sends the new limit value to the ```ctrl_limit_changed``` callback. Parameters ---------- new_limit : float """ self.ctrl_limit_changed("UPPER", new_limit)
[docs] @Slot(int) @Slot(float) def lowerCtrlLimitChanged(self, new_limit): """ PyQT Slot for changes on the lower control limit value of the Channel This slot sends the new limit value to the ```ctrl_limit_changed``` callback. Parameters ---------- new_limit : float """ self.ctrl_limit_changed("LOWER", new_limit)
[docs] @Slot(int) @Slot(float) def upper_alarm_limit_changed(self, new_limit: float): """ PyQT slot for changes to the HIHI alarm limit of a PV Parameters ---------- new_limit : float The new value for the HIHI limit """ self.alarm_limit_changed(AlarmLimit.HIHI, new_limit)
[docs] @Slot(int) @Slot(float) def lower_alarm_limit_changed(self, new_limit: float): """ PyQT slot for changes to the LOLO alarm limit of a PV Parameters ---------- new_limit : float The new value for the LOLO limit """ self.alarm_limit_changed(AlarmLimit.LOLO, new_limit)
[docs] @Slot(int) @Slot(float) def upper_warning_limit_changed(self, new_limit: float): """ PyQT slot for changes to the HIGH alarm limit of a PV Parameters ---------- new_limit : float The new value for the HIGH limit """ self.alarm_limit_changed(AlarmLimit.HIGH, new_limit)
[docs] @Slot(int) @Slot(float) def lower_warning_limit_changed(self, new_limit: float): """ PyQT slot for changes to the LOW alarm limit of a PV Parameters ---------- new_limit : float The new value for the LOW limit """ self.alarm_limit_changed(AlarmLimit.LOW, new_limit)
[docs] @Slot() def force_redraw(self): """ PyQT Slot to force a redraw on the widget. """ self.update()
[docs] def setX(self, new_x): """ Set the X position of the Widget on the screen. Parameters ---------- new_x : int The new X position Returns ------- None """ point = self.pos() point.setX(new_x) self.move(point)
[docs] def setY(self, new_y): """ Set the Y position of the Widget on the screen. Parameters ---------- new_y : int The new Y position Returns ------- None """ point = self.pos() point.setY(new_y) self.move(point)
@Property(bool) def alarmSensitiveContent(self): """ Whether or not the content color changes when alarm severity changes. Returns ------- bool True means that the content color will be changed in case of alarm severity changes. """ return self._alarm_sensitive_content @alarmSensitiveContent.setter def alarmSensitiveContent(self, checked): """ Whether or not the content color changes when alarm severity changes. Parameters ---------- checked : bool True means that the content color will be changed in case of alarm severity changes. """ self._alarm_sensitive_content = checked self.alarm_severity_changed(self._alarm_state) @Property(bool) def alarmSensitiveBorder(self): """ Whether or not the border color changes when alarm severity changes. Returns ------- bool True means that the border color will be changed in case of alarm severity changes. """ return self._alarm_sensitive_border @alarmSensitiveBorder.setter def alarmSensitiveBorder(self, checked): """ Whether or not the border color changes when alarm severity changes. Parameters ---------- checked : bool True means that the border color will be changed in case of alarm severity changes. """ self._alarm_sensitive_border = checked self.alarm_severity_changed(self._alarm_state) @Property(str) def PyDMToolTip(self): """ The tooltip for this widget. Returns ------- toolTip : str tooltip info """ return self._pydm_tool_tip @PyDMToolTip.setter def PyDMToolTip(self, new_tip): """ The tooltip for this widget. Parameters ---------- new_tip : str tooltip info """ if new_tip != self._pydm_tool_tip: self._pydm_tool_tip = str(new_tip) parsed_tool_tip = self.parseTip(new_tip) self.setToolTip(parsed_tool_tip)
[docs] def parseTip(self, new_tip): """ Fetch the object attribute data for the tooltip. Parameters ---------- new_tip : str given tooltip string Returns ------- tip_with_attribute_info : str ToolTip string which has had the attribute names replaced with the attribute values. """ if is_qt_designer(): return new_tip if not self._tool_tip_substrings: list_of_attributes = [substring.start() for substring in re.finditer("\$\(", new_tip)] tool_tip_substrings = [] for index in list_of_attributes: tool_tip_substrings.append( [new_tip[index + 2 : new_tip.index(")", index)], new_tip[index : new_tip.index(")", index) + 1]] ) self._tool_tip_substrings = copy.deepcopy(tool_tip_substrings) else: tool_tip_substrings = copy.deepcopy(self._tool_tip_substrings) if tool_tip_substrings: for index, value in enumerate(tool_tip_substrings): if value[0] == "name": value_of_attribute = elif value[0].split(".")[0] == "pv_value": if value[0].count(".") == 0: value_of_attribute = self.value else: attribute = self._tool_tip_channel_table[value[0].split(".", 1)[1]] value_of_attribute = getattr(self, attribute, None) if attribute == "timestamp" and value_of_attribute is not None: value_of_attribute = datetime.fromtimestamp(value_of_attribute) else: value_of_attribute = getattr(self, value[0], None) if value[0] == "timestamp" and value_of_attribute is not None: value_of_attribute = datetime.fromtimestamp(value_of_attribute) tool_tip_substrings[index][0] = str(value_of_attribute) tip_with_attribute_info = new_tip for value in tool_tip_substrings: tip_with_attribute_info = tip_with_attribute_info.replace(value[1], value[0]) return tip_with_attribute_info
@Property(str) def channel(self): """ The channel address in use for this widget. Returns ------- channel : str Channel address """ if self._channel: return str(self._channel) return None @channel.setter def channel(self, value): """ The channel address to use for this widget. Parameters ---------- value : str Channel address """ self.set_channel(value)
[docs] def set_channel(self, value): """A setter method without a pyqt decorator so subclasses can use this functionality""" if self._channel != value: # Remove old connections for channel in [c for c in self._channels if c.address == self._channel]: channel.disconnect() self._channels.remove(channel) # Load new channel self._channel = str(value) if not self._channel: logger.debug("Channel was set to an empty string.") return channel = PyDMChannel( address=self._channel, connection_slot=self.connectionStateChanged, value_slot=self.channelValueChanged, severity_slot=self.alarmSeverityChanged, enum_strings_slot=self.enumStringsChanged, unit_slot=None, prec_slot=None, upper_ctrl_limit_slot=self.upperCtrlLimitChanged, lower_ctrl_limit_slot=self.lowerCtrlLimitChanged, upper_alarm_limit_slot=self.upper_alarm_limit_changed, lower_alarm_limit_slot=self.lower_alarm_limit_changed, upper_warning_limit_slot=self.upper_warning_limit_changed, lower_warning_limit_slot=self.lower_warning_limit_changed, value_signal=None, write_access_slot=None, timestamp_slot=self.timestamp_changed, ) # Load writeable channels if our widget requires them. These should # not exist on the base PyDMWidget but prevents us from duplicating # the method below to only make two more connections if hasattr(self, "writeAccessChanged"): channel.write_access_slot = self.writeAccessChanged if hasattr(self, "send_value_signal"): channel.value_signal = self.send_value_signal # Do the same thing for classes that use the TextFormatter mixin. if hasattr(self, "unitChanged"): channel.unit_slot = self.unitChanged if hasattr(self, "precisionChanged"): channel.prec_slot = self.precisionChanged # Connect write channels if we have them channel.connect() self._channels.append(channel)
def restore_original_tooltip(self): if self._tooltip is None: self._tooltip = self.toolTip() return self._tooltip
[docs] @only_if_channel_set def check_enable_state(self): """ Checks whether or not the widget should be disable. This method also disables the widget and add a Tool Tip with the reason why it is disabled. """ status = self._connected tooltip = self.restore_original_tooltip() if not status: if tooltip != "": tooltip += "\n" tooltip += "PV is disconnected." tooltip += "\n" tooltip += self.get_address() self.setToolTip(tooltip) self.setEnabled(status)
[docs] def get_ctrl_limits(self): """ Returns a tuple with the control limits for the channel Returns ------- (lower, upper) : tuple Lower and Upper control limits """ return self._lower_ctrl_limit, self._upper_ctrl_limit
[docs] def channels(self): """ Returns the channels being used for this Widget. Returns ------- channels : list List of PyDMChannel objects """ if len(self._channels): return self._channels else: return None
[docs] def channels_for_tools(self): """ Returns a list of channels useful for external tools. The default implementation here is just to return self.channels(), but some widgets will want to re-implement this, especially if they have multiple channels, but only one real 'signal' channel. Returns ------- list """ return self.channels()
[docs] def eventFilter(self, obj, event): """ Filters events on this object. Params ------ object : QObject The object that is being handled. event : QEvent The event that is happening. Returns ------- bool True to stop the event from being handled further; otherwise return false. """ if event.type() == QEvent.Enter and self._connected: if not self._pydm_tool_tip: self.setToolTip(self.parseTip(self.toolTip())) else: self.setToolTip(self.parseTip(self._pydm_tool_tip)) return True return super().eventFilter(obj, event)
class PyDMWritableWidget(PyDMWidget): """ PyDM base class for Writable widgets. This class implements the send_value_signal and also the event filter for write access changes on PVs. Parameters ---------- init_channel : str, optional The channel to be used by the widget. Signals ------- send_value_signal : int, float, str, bool or np.ndarray Emitted when the user changes the value """ __Signals__ = "send_value_signal([int], [float], [str], [bool], [object])" # Emitted when the user changes the value. send_value_signal = Signal([int], [float], [str], [bool], [object]) def __init__(self, init_channel=None): self._write_access = False self._disp_channel = None self._disable_put = False self._monitor_disp = False super(PyDMWritableWidget, self).__init__(init_channel=init_channel) def init_for_designer(self): """ Method called after the constructor to tweak configurations for when using the widget with the Qt Designer """ super(PyDMWritableWidget, self).init_for_designer() self._write_access = True def eventFilter(self, obj, event): """ Filters events on this object. Params ------ object : QObject The object that is being handled. event : QEvent The event that is happening. Returns ------- bool True to stop the event from being handled further; otherwise return false. """ channel = getattr(self, "channel", None) if is_channel_valid(channel): status = self._write_access and self._connected if event.type() == QEvent.Leave: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if event.type() == QEvent.Enter and not status: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.ForbiddenCursor)) return PyDMWidget.eventFilter(self, obj, event) @Property(bool) def monitorDisp(self) -> bool: """ Whether to monitor the DISP field for this widget's channel """ return self._monitor_disp @monitorDisp.setter def monitorDisp(self, monitor_disp: bool) -> None: """ Whether to monitor the DISP field for this widget's channel """ if self._monitor_disp != monitor_disp: self._monitor_disp = monitor_disp if self._disp_channel is not None: if monitor_disp: self._disp_channel.connect() else: self._disp_channel.disconnect() @Property(str) def channel(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The channel address in use for this widget. Returns ------- channel : str Channel address """ if self._channel: return str(self._channel) return None @channel.setter def channel(self, value: str) -> None: """ The channel address in use for this widget. Also sets up a monitor on the DISP field. """ if self._channel != value: self.set_channel(value) if not self._monitor_disp or self._channel is None: return base_channel = self._channel.split(".", 1)[0] if "." in self._channel else self._channel if self._disp_channel is None or self._disp_channel.address != f"{base_channel}.DISP": if self._disp_channel is not None: self._disp_channel.disconnect() self._disp_channel = PyDMChannel(address=f"{base_channel}.DISP", value_slot=self.disp_value_changed) self._disp_channel.connect() def disp_value_changed(self, new_disp_value: int) -> None: """Callback function to receive changes to the DISP field of the monitored channel""" self._disable_put = new_disp_value self.check_enable_state() def write_access_changed(self, new_write_access): """ Callback invoked when the Channel has new write access value. This callback calls check_enable_state so it can act on the widget enabling or disabling it accordingly Parameters ---------- new_write_access : bool True if write operations to the channel are allowed. """ self._write_access = new_write_access self.check_enable_state() @Slot(bool) def writeAccessChanged(self, write_access): """ PyQT Slot for changes on the write access value of the Channel This slot sends the write access value to the ```write_access_changed``` callback. Parameters ---------- write_access : bool """ self.write_access_changed(write_access) @only_if_channel_set def check_enable_state(self) -> None: """ Checks whether or not the widget should be disabled. This method also disables the widget and adds a tool tip with the reason why it is disabled. """ status = self._write_access and self._connected and not self._disable_put tooltip = self.restore_original_tooltip() if not self._connected: if tooltip != "": tooltip += "\n" tooltip += "PV is disconnected." tooltip += "\n" tooltip += self.get_address() elif not self._write_access: if tooltip != "": tooltip += "\n" if data_plugins.is_read_only(): tooltip += "Running PyDM on Read-Only mode." else: tooltip += "Access denied by Channel Access Security." elif self._disable_put: if tooltip != "": tooltip += "\n" tooltip += "Access denied by DISP field" self.setToolTip(tooltip) self.setEnabled(status)