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[docs]class ExternalTool: """ PyDM base class for External Tools hook-up. This class offers a boilerplate for tools to be added to PyDM. Code available at PyDMApplication will automatically install the tool if available somewhere under PYDM_TOOLS_PATH or if explicitly installed. Parameters ---------- icon : QIcon The icon to be used when rendering the menu. Use None for no Icon. name : str The tool name. This must be unique across the combination group+name. group : str The group in which this action must be inserted. This becomes a QMenu with the tool as an action inside. author : str, optional This information is used to list the author name at the About screen. use_with_widgets : bool Whether or not this action should be rendered at a Custom Context Menu for the PyDMWidgets. If `False` the tool will be available at the Main Window menu only and will receive as a parameter `channels` as `None` and `sender` as the `main_window` object. use_without_widgets : bool Whether or not this action should be rendered at locations other than a widget Custom Context Menu. """ def __init__(self, icon, name, group, author="", use_with_widgets=True, use_without_widget=True): self.icon = icon = name = group = author self.use_with_widgets = use_with_widgets self.use_without_widget = use_without_widget
[docs] def call(self, channels, sender): """ This method is invoked when the tool is selected at the menu. Parameters ---------- channels : list The list of channels in use at the widget. sender : PyDMWidget The PyDMWidget or Main Window that triggered the action. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Serialize the information at this tool in order to make it possible to be added to another PyDM Application without user interference. Returns ------- str """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def from_json(self, content): """ Recreate the tool based on the serialized information sent as parameter. Parameters ---------- content : str """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_info(self): """ Retrieve basic information about the External Tool in a format that is parsed and used at the About screen. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing at least `author`, `file`, `group` and `name` of the External Tool. """ return {"author":, "file": "", "group":, "name":}
[docs] def is_compatible_with(self, widget): """ Verify if the ExternalTool is compatible with the given widget. Parameters ---------- widget : QWidget The widget for which the ExternalTool is being assembled. Returns ------- bool True if this ExternalTool is compatible with the widget, False otherwise. """ return True