Decompressing Frames

The following code block describes how to read data from a file, pass it through a decompress block and then on to a PRBS receiver.

import pyrogue
import rogue.utilities.fileio

# First we create a file reader instance
fread = rogue.utilities.fileio.StreamReader()

# Create a PRBS instance to be used as a receiver
prbs = rogue.utilities.Prbs()

# Create a decompression instance
decomp = rogue.utilities.StreamUnZip()

# Connect the decompression engine to the file writer
decomp << fread

# Connect the two together
prbs << decomp

# Open the file and push data to the prbs receiver"myFile.dat.1")

# Wait until reader is done

# Display the results
print(f"Got {prbs.getRxCount()} frames")
print(f"Got {prbs.getRxErrors()} errors")

Below is the same code in c++.

#include <rogue/utilities/fileio/StreamReader.h>
#include <rogue/utilities/Prbs.h>

// First we create a file reader instance
rogue::utilities::fileio::StreamReaderPtr fwrite = rogue::utilities::fileio::StreamReaderPtr::create();

// Create a PRBS receiver
rogue::utilities::PrbsPtr prbs = rogue::utilities::Prbs::create();

// Create a decompression block
rogue::utilities::StreamUnZipPtr comp = rogue::utilities::StreamUnZip::create();

// Connect the decompression engine to the file reader
decomp << fread;

// Connect prbs to file reader
prbs << decomp;

// Open the data file

// Close the data file after all frames are read

// Display the results
printf("Got %i frames\n",prbs.getRxCount());
printf("Got %i errors\n",prbs.getRxErrors());