Using The TCP Bridge

The memory TCP bridge classes allows a Rogue memory interface to be bridged over a TCP network interface. The bridge consists of a server and a client. The server, TcpServer, listens for incoming connections on a pair of TCP ports. The client, TcpClient, connects to the server at a specific address. The client will accept memory bus transactions and forward them to the server.

Python Server

The following code demonstrates a Python server with a local memory slave. The Python server is able to interface with either a Python or C++ client.

import rogue.interfaces.memory
import rogue.protocols.srp
import pyrogue

# Local memory SrpV3 bridge
srpv3 = rogue.protocols.srp.SrpV3()

# Start a TCP Bridge Server, Listen on ports 8000 & 8001 on all interfaces
# Pass an address of to listen on only that specific interface
tcp = rogue.interfaces.memory.TcpServer("*",8000)

# Connect the bus
tcp >> srpV3

Python Client

The following code demonstrates a Python client with a local memory bus master. The Python client is able to interface with either a Python or C++ server.

import rogue.interfaces.memory
import pyrogue

# Memory bus master (from master example)
mst = MyMaster()

# Start a TCP Bridge Client, Connect remote server at ports 8000 & 8001.
tcp = rogue.interfaces.memory.TcpClient("",8000)

# Connect the bus
mst >> tcp

C++ Server

The following code demonstrates a C++ server with a local memory slave. The C++ server is able to interface with either a Python or C++ client.

#include <rogue/interfaces/memory/TcpServer.h>
#include <rogue/protocols/srp/SrpV3.h>

// Local memory SrpV3 bridge
rogue::protocols::srp::SrpV3Ptr srpv3 = rogue.protocols.srp.SrpV3::create();

// Start a TCP Bridge Server, Listen on ports 8000 & 8001 on all interfaces
// Pass an address of to listen on only that specific interface
rogue::interfaces::memory::TcpServerPtr tcp = rogue.interfaces.memory.TcpServer::create("*",8000);

// Connect the bus
*tcp >> srpV3;

C++ Client

The following code demonstrates a C++ client with a local memory bus master. The C++ client is able to interface with either a Python or C++ server.

#include <rogue/interfaces/memory/TcpClient.h>

// Memory bus master (from master example)
MyMasterPtr mst = MyMaster::create();

// Start a TCP Bridge Client, Connect remote server at ports 8000 & 8001.
rogue::interfaces::memory::TcpClientPtr tcp = rogue::interfaces::memory::TcpClient::create("",8000);

// Connect the bus
*mst >> tcp;