Wrapping Custom Module With PyRogue Device

The following demonstrates the implementation of a PyRogue Device wrapper for the classes contained within the Custom Module Source. The variables and commands associated with the custom module are exposed to the PyRogue management layer. This file can be created as MyWrapper.py and included in the same python directory as the output of the Building The Custom Module step.

# Source Code For MyWrapper.py

import rogue
import pyrogue
import MyModule

class MyCustomSlave(pyrogue.Device):

   def __init__(self, *, name, **kwargs ):

       pyrogue.Device.__init__(self, name=name, description='My Custom Stream Slave', **kwargs)

       # Create an instance of MyCustomSlave from MyModule
       self._mySlave = MyModule.MyCustomSlave()

       # Add read only frame count variable
       self.add(pyrogue.LocalVariable(name='FrameCount', description='Total Frames Received',
                                      mode='RO', pollInterval=1, value=0,

       # Add read only byte count variable
       self.add(pyrogue.LocalVariable(name='ByteCount', description='Total Bytes Received',
                                      mode='RO', pollInterval=1, value=0,

   # Method called by streamConnect and streamConnectBiDir to access slave
   def _getStreamSlave(self):
       return self._mySlave

   # Support << operator
   def __lshift__(self, other):
       return other

class MyCustomMaster(pyrogue.Device):

   def __init__(self, *, name, **kwargs ):

       pyrogue.Device.__init__(self, name=name, description='My Custom Stream Master', **kwargs)

       # Create an instance of MyCustomSlave from MyModule
       self._myMast = MyModule.MyCustomMaster()

       # Add read only frame count variable
       self.add(pyrogue.LocalVariable(name='FrameCount', description='Total Frames Received',
                                      mode='RO', pollInterval=1, value=0,

       # Add read only byte count variable
       self.add(pyrogue.LocalVariable(name='ByteCount', description='Total Bytes Received',
                                      mode='RO', pollInterval=1, value=0,

       # Add read write frame size variable
       self.add(pyrogue.LocalVariable(name='FrameSize', description='Transmit Frame Size',
                                      mode='RW', pollInterval=1, value=0,
                                      localSet=lambda value: self._myMast.setFrameSize(value)))

       # Frame generation command
       self.add(pyrogue.LocalCommand(name='MyFrameGen',description='Generate a single frame',

   # Method called by streamConnect and streamConnectBiDir to access master
   def _getStreamMaster(self):
       return self._myMast

   # Support >> operator
   def __rshift__(self, other):
       return other