Variable Access

The main class which is used in the Warm TDM system is a Rogue Variable which provides in interface to the running system. Variables can get read from using a get() call, or written to with a set() call.

Get Calls

The following code example show how to read a value from a variable

ret = GroupRoot.Group.RowTuneEnable.get()

In this example a 64 element array of booleans is returned, indicating the tune enable state of each row in the system.

Alternatively a single array element can be read using the index attribute:

ret = GroupRoot.Group.RowTuneEnable.get(index=10)

In the above example the enable state of row 10 is returned.

In some cases you may want to read back the current value of a variable without actually reading from the core system. This is sometimes used to see the last read value from hardware without initiating a new read. Thsi is helpfull when creating fast running scripts:

ret = GroupRoot.Group.RowTuneEnable.value(index=10)

There are situations where you would like to get back formatted string representation of a value. Rogue provides the ability for the developer to specify formatting options in a way to best display data:

ret = GroupRoot.Group.RowTuneEnable.disp(index=10)

# Or maybe get the full array, without reading from hardware
ret = GroupRoot.Group.RowTuneEnable.valueDisp()

In some situations int he Warm TDM system the variable may contain a two dimensional array. Below is an example of getting the Sq1Bias value for a specific row and column:

row = 5
col = 10

ret = GroupRoot.Group.Sq1Bias.get(index=(row,col))

Set Calls

Setting a variable is done in the same way:

row = 5
col = 10

GroupRoot.Group.Sq1Bias.get(value=1.5, index=(row,col))

You can also set back the full two dimensional array:

sq1b = GroupRoot.Group.Sq1Bias.get()

sq1b[5][4] = 5.4
