================================= Exporting and Importing Settings ================================= ******************* Exporting Settings ******************* TimeChart's settings can be saved into a file, which can be imported in TimeChart's next run. To save TimeChart's settings into a file, click on the Export Button below the Chart Canvas. This will bring up the Export Chart Data dialog: .. image:: images/export.png :width: 300px :height: 250px :scale: 100% :alt: TimeChart's Export Dialog :align: center * Under the Export Options list, select Chart Settings * Check the ``Include currently plotted PVs`` to save the current PVs into the config file if you want TimeChart to plot these PVs immediately the next time it runs * Check the ``Include current chart settings`` to save the rest of TimeChart's customized settings * Click on the Export Button to select the location to save the file. The file will be saved in the JSON format, which can be viewed and edited in a text editor. .. important:: It is recommended that you do not modify the config file manually as the JSON format can be error-prone. You should always create a TimeChart config file using the Export feature of TimeChart. .. _importing settings: ******************* Importing Settings ******************* There are two ways to import TimeChart's settings from a config file: #. From the command line, use the ``--config-file {path_to_config_file}`` command line parameter:: timechart --config-file ../config_files/timechart_config.json or timechart --config-file ../config_files/striptool_config.stp #. Alternatively, from the TimeChart UI, click the Import Button, and open either a TimeChart JSON config file, or a StripTool STP file.