.. _interfaces_memory_connecting: ========================== Connecting Memory Elements ========================== A memory master and slave are connected using the following commands in python: .. code-block:: python import pyrogue # Assume we are creating a memory tree with two masters, masterA and masterB # connected to hubA & hubB. We then connect those two hubs to the a SrpV3 gateway. # Connect masterA to hubA & hubB to the srpV3 Slave masterA >> hubA >> srpV3 # Connections can also go in the reverse order srpV3 << hubB << masterB # Alternatively a helper function can be used pyrogue.busConnect(masterA, hubA) pyrogue.busConnect(hubA, srpV3) The equivalent code in C++ is show below: .. code-block:: c // Assume we are creating a memory tree with two masters, masterA and masterB // connected to hubA & hubB. We then connect those two hubs to the a SrpV3 gateway. *( *masterA >> hubA) >> srpV3; // Or the reverse *( *srpV3 << hubB) << masterB; // Alternatively a helper function can be used roguebusConnect(masterA, hubA) roguebusConnect(hubA, srpV3)