.. _Environment: Setting up the Environment ========================== .. _VirtualMachine: Virtual Machine --------------- We provide a virtual machine disk that is the base for the application that will be developed during this tutorial. You can download the disk using this `Link `_. Using the Downloaded Disk ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After downloading it, extract the ``.tar.gz`` file, create a new Virtual Machine at the virtualization client of your preference. The instructions below are for `Oracle VirtualBox `_ . Oracle VirtualBox is available for Windows, OS X and Linux hosts. This file is not a complete Virtual Machine dump that can be imported but instead a disk. In order to use this disk, start by creating a new virtual Machine, select Type as ``Linux`` and Version as ``Ubuntu (64-bit)``. Configure the amount of memory to use (something greater or equal 2048MB should do it. Make sure to select ``Use an existing virtual hard disk file.`` and select the extracted ``.vmdk`` file. .. figure:: /_static/new_vm.png :scale: 100 % :align: center :alt: Create new VM Useful Virtual Machine Information ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ User Account ++++++++++++ ======== ======== Username Password ======== ======== user tutorial ======== ======== .. _PythonEnv: Python Environment ++++++++++++++++++ On this machine we are using Miniconda to handle our Python environment and dependencies. To have access to the environmnet please do: .. code-block:: bash source activate tutorial .. _IOCS: Simulated EPICS IOCs ++++++++++++++++++++ This machine comes with simulated motors and cameras. The IOCs can be started through their launcher scripts available at: .. code-block:: bash cd ~/tutorial/iocs_launcher # For the AreaDetector (cameras) simulation use ./simDetector # For the simulated motor axis use ./simMotor # For the linking IOC ./simLinker For AreaDetector (cameras): - The prefix for the PVs is ``13SIM1:`` so we have: ``13SIM1:cam1`` as well as ``13SIM1:cam2`` available. For Motor Axis: - The prexif for the PVs is ``IOC:`` so we have: ``IOC:m1 .. IOC:m8`` Creating your own environment ----------------------------- If you decide to create your own environment and not use the Virtual Machine provided please refer to the `PyDM Documentation Website `_ for an up-to-date dependency list as well as detailed installation instructions.