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Installing lume-genesis via conda-forge

Installing lume-genesis from the conda-forge channel can be achieved by adding conda-forge to your channels with:

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Once the conda-forge channel has been enabled, lume-genesis can be installed with:

conda install lume-genesis

It is possible to list all of the versions of lume-genesis available on your platform with:

conda search lume-genesis --channel conda-forge

Installing Genesis 1.3 version 2 Executables

See: slaclab/Genesis-1.3-Version2 Installation

conda-forge provides normal and MPI variants of Genesis2 for Linux and MacOS:

conda install genesis2

Installing Genesis 1.3 version 4 Executables

conda-forge provides normal and MPI variants of Genesis4 for Linux and MacOS:

conda install genesis4

For more information, see: svenreiche/Genesis-1.3-Version4 dev installation

Building Genesis 1.3 version 4 from source on macOS

Installation on macOS requires a suitable compiler and dependencies, which can be provided by MacPorts. With a working MacPorts, install the GCC12 compiler and dependencies:

sudo port install gcc12
sudo port select gcc mp-gcc12
sudo port install openmpi-gcc12
sudo port select mpi openmpi-gcc12-fortran
sudo port install hdf5 +openmpi
sudo port install fftw-3

Get the latest Genesis4 code

git clone
cd Genesis-1.3-Version4/
git fetch
git swtich dev

Then build Genesis:

cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build

Genesis4 on Perlmutter and Cori (NERSC)

git clone
cd Genesis-1.3-Version4/
git fetch
git switch dev
module load cray-hdf5-parallel
module load cray-fftw
cmake --build build

Old Genesis 1.3 v2.0 Installation

Go to and download:

Untar, and replace one of the source files with one provided in this repository (cloned at ):

  tar -xzvf genesis_source_2.0_120629.tar
  cd  Genesis_Current
  cp <ROOT>/lume-genesis/extra/fix_genesis_input/input.f .
Edit Makefile to point to your compile, and type:
This should build the genesis binary.


Clone this repository:

git clone

Create an environment genesis-dev with all the dependencies:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Install as editable:

conda activate genesis-dev
pip install -e .