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User Environment

  • A compiled Bmad distribution, and enabled
  • Python 3.7 or greater environment with:

    • pyepics
    • pytao
    • lcls_live
  • $LCLS_LATTICE environmental variable pointing to the LCLS-Lattice files

  • EPICS installation (for live PVs)
  • Archiver access (for archived PVs)

Most LCLS users should use the standard Python environemt:

source $TOOLS/script/

Developers should use the nightly environment:

source $TOOLS/script/

These is described in LCLS Python Environments🔒 and includ the lattice files.

Local developers should clone the LCLS-Live repository and create a conda environment from the environment-dev.yml:

conda env create -f environment-dev.yml
conda activate lcls-live-dev

Lattice files are protected and must be install separately according to the instructions in LCLS-Lattice-Data 🔒